BBManager: sync fails after creating new song

  1. Created New Folder (under Organize menuitem)
  2. Clicked on the new folder. Created New Song (using + Song on main screen)
  3. loaded all song parts with BB default midi files from various folders.
  4. Chose a default drum set on the left side of the song (middle window)
  5. Clicked on Syncronize Project (under IMPORT-EXPORT menuitem)

Modal Error window
text: There is at least one invalid song in the project. Make sure all song parts contain a Main Drum Loop.

I tried variations and sequences and could not get a song to load back into the pedal.
Tried new song in existing folder, tried only loading into Main Drum Part, Tried Export Project To Pedal instead of Synchronize.

OS: Windows Vista Svc pack 2

The error is actually pretty straightforward. The manager software considers there is at least one invalid song in the project (4 bytes at offset 0xC (invalid flag) must be zero for all BBS files).
If you are sure you’ve created a new song and filled all song parts for it, try saving the project (Ctrl+S) before synchronizing. If this doesn’t help, you will probably need to go through all the song folders to be sure there is no empty songs (with no song parts). As soon as there are no empty songs left, the project will sync normally.

I understand the error message is not very clear, as it only states there is an empty song, but doesn’t state which one to simplify troubleshooting. I’ll pass that to the team.

After your suggestions, I somehow got it working. Thank you. I wish I knew how. I did save the project and export the entire thing since sync was grayed out when I restarted the BBM, but after that everything including the synch works too. Question, I assume the project is the entire thing,(set’s, folders, songs)? May be nice to have a folder level import export as well. Thanks again. Loving the product.

Thanks for your time and your suggestions, tstaab!

As of currently, yes, the project is better viewed as a solid unit. And I am totally on your side, that it would definitely be better, if the project could be sync’ed on a per folder basis.