BBMO: add Import BeatBuddy Folder (.pbf)

Cannot easily find this capability in the BBMO.

If the capability exists, could we make it more obvious in the BBMO? Suggest placing it in the upper right along with the Import Song and Import Drum set.

Related to this request is to also add instructions in the BBMO User Manual. I can find references to .pbf but nothing for importing the .pbf file. My suggestions still stand to make the feature more obvious Import Song or Folder and add the instruction in the user manual.

UPDATE: I found out how to import a BeatBuddy folder. In the BBMO, click on Import Song and navigate to location of your .pbf file, select it and press Open. My suggestions still stand: add to user manual and make the folder import feature more obvious: Import Song or Folder


Hi persist!

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve passed it on to the development team!

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