BBMO created songs not playing correctly

Hello! :wave:

I’ve got an older Beat Buddy (circa 2014) and I just started playing around with BBMO. I created a few new songs by copying existing ones to a new folder and then editing, but I’m having an odd problem. All the parts of the songs seem fine when I preview them in BBMO, but when I play them back on the pedal there are parts missing from each song – fills, transitions and additional parts either just play the main beat, or go actually silent for a few bars.

I’ve checked the firmware and I’m running the latest version, I’ve tried re-saving both with the pedal connected to the computer and with the SD card in a different drive, and I even tried backing up, reinstalling the default content from the Beat Buddy loader, and reloading the new songs from the backup. Same result each time.

FYI I’m running Windows 10 & latest Chrome.

'lil help please?

Some things to try:

  • A new or different SD card.
  • Download a fresh copy of the Default Content 2.1 from Singular Sound and a start a new project using the BBMO.
  • Use the BBMO Duplicate a Song and then Move (that duplicate) Song to your new folder and edit your song in that new folder. Save project and then Sync to your SD card using your computer built-in slot reader or an external USB media reader. Test the new song on your pedal.
  • Let us know if this helps.

Avoid using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or BB Loader with the same project for your BBMO.


So first of all thanks @persist for the response. I took your advice and tried a totally different card with a fresh copy of default content. Using only BBMO, I duplicated and moved one of the default songs to a different folder, made some small changes (changed tempo, edited one of the fills slightly), then tried it in the Beat Buddy. It worked! So far so good…


I then added some songs I downloaded from Singular a while ago (a package called “Swung & Shuffle Beats- Gig Essentials”) and then duplicated and edited one of THOSE songs… exact same problem as before.

Most of the “new” songs I want to work on are meant to be based on either stuff from that set or some other downloads. Is it possible BBMO doesn’t like the downloaded songs and only plays nice with the default content? Any ideas to remedy this?

Thank you for the follow-up.

I’m not sure it’s the content. I’ll see if I can replicate your symptoms later this evening or tomorrow.

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Okay, I just finished testing one of the premium Gig Essentials beats on the pedal.

The first time I played the beat, all of the parts, fills and the transitions, each part played completely.

I tested it again and on one of the parts, (and although it quickly flashed the fill number on the display) it did not play the fill and returned to the loop part.

I checked the pedal settings Main Pedal:Cue Fill Period: and changed it from Immediately to Next Beat and it played all of the fills completely.

Just double-check that the firmware on your pedal is indeed 4.1.6 (which is what the BBMO requires to play the beats properly on the pedal) and then experiment with the Cue Fill Period to see if that helps.

Tried it with all the different available Cue Fill Period options, and with both of my SD cards. Same result.

Also, not sure if this is something you can address but I did in fact have an older version of the firmware because that’s what I found here:

I did track down 4.1.6 through a forum link but someone should probably update that other link as well. :slight_smile:

Meanwhile I’ve also got a ticket open with BeatBuddy support so I’ll see what they can do. But I really appreciate your help with this!

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Please let us know how you resolve the issue

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Hi brokefuse,

Could you please send the file to so that we can take a look at the issue? Also, please add the reference of the forum URL to the email.

Thank you!

Hi @DanielSingularSound – actually I did this 2 months ago! You should be able to find the open ticket #105026. If you don’t see it please let me know.

I have had this problem lately on some of my others songs too. Been busy with a lot of things due to which I did not take time to write this out.
In the past, when BBMO was still BBFF, and I experienced a similar issue with one song, I wrote to Andrew, and he made some changes to the then version of BBFF which resolved the issue.

Here are his comments when he found out how to fix it

Thanks for reporting this. There is a problem with the underlying midi in some of those song tracks. BeatBuddy ignores the issue so I’ve updated BBFF to handle the problem so it works the same way.

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Thank you for confirming the ticket number #105026.

(I’ve already forwarded this issue to the development team.)