BBMO Feature Request: Add the ability to move a (MIDI) track within a song

Right now the BBMO allows users to copy and then paste tracks within a song.

When a user wants to move a (MIDI) track from say, the Outro to the Intro or to any other part within a song, it requires that the user go back and delete the Outro.

If the ability to Cut (and then paste) or to Move a track were available, it would make the process more efficient. Perhaps if a key modifier (CMD or ctrl) were added to the Copy Track, it would make this feature available and would be in keeping with common operating systems conventions.

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Hi persist,

Thank you for the suggestion! I will forward it to the team.

Please note that you can click on the copy track button and then click on delete immediately after if you want to delete the outro right away—though you might already be aware of that.

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