Am I alone here finding BBMO is full of bugs and is user hostile? Furthermore I will not install Chrome on any of my devices due to security concerns.

Has any thought been given to hiring a good application developer(s) to fix the BB Manager.

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Instead of complaining, start to mention what you find wrong in the BBMO, it’s hard to please everyone it seems. Solutions to other browsers have been given, you don’t have to use Chrome. Maybe read a few more posts, Maybe you already did and your post is a result of a frustation, well this reply is my reaction on people always complaining instead of being happy something is being done after a long time. Please be a little more positive instead of only complaining be helpfull to lift the BBMO to a higher level. Just my two cents, sorry if I offended you in any way.

No you certainly have not offended me in any way. I forget to mention if the internet is not available BBMO is useless. A stand alone application is preferable to one that relies on online access. I have used BB manager since it was released and find it ok.

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If you are on Windows , you can use Edge , just for BBMO
This what I do , I use Floorp as my default browser and Edge for BBMO when needed

Not meant to frost anybody’s hair, but…

Interesting as I have long felt the same way about Chrome as I’m sure many Mac users might also feel.

Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, Arc (and possibly other browsers) are all built using Chromium, an open-source derivative of Google Chrome.

I am also a Mac user. I find BB manager usable and will keep using it as I dislike online applications. If I need to make last minute changes as the gig I can do it on my MacBook without internet access.


First I have ever heard of floorp. Can you share a little of your experience with it?

It is not very the good place to discuss over browser ,
But it’s a Firefox fork but faster, and more privacy, regular updates (every 4 weeks)

There is another faster than Floorp calling Zen browser, with vertical tabs ( A Firefox concurrency of Arc)
very good too !Still alpha but the dev react very fast to fix the bugs (rarely bugged)

If they are that good and secure, why do they not work well with bbmo?

BBMO works only with browser based on Chrome,
API question
The File System Access API enables developers to build powerful web apps that interact with files on the user’s local device, such as IDEs, photo and video editors, text editors, and more. After a user grants a web app access, this API allows them to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user’s device. Beyond reading and writing files, the File System Access API provides the ability to open a directory and enumerate its contents.

I prefer BBMO, it will improve over time. I am getting better at working around some of the challenges…

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