Beat buddy and headrush core looper

In having an issue with getting the looper to play and stop without stopping and restarting the beat buddy.if I stop the beat and restart it then the loop will start when it gets a start command. Been through the setting a million times and can’t figure it out. The sync works great and it will queue it for the initial recording but once you stop the loop you can’t start it again. Anyone figure this out yet.

I have tough news for you, it may be the looper, and you may want to shop for a new one. The good news is the Aeros works perfectly with the BeatBuddy and always will.

We do not provide bug support for 3rd party competitors, you may have more luck on a headrush forum, but our forum is a place full of helpful, knowledgeable, and active users, so there is that note to keep in mind as you work through your looper options.

Thank you and best of luck!

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It’s just a trick !
Stay tuned video is coming !
Not for live situation, best with a midi controller, but can be done with a footswitch

I say in the video . you can not use the transition on the Beatbuddy, because this launch the practice tool of the Headrush ; With the new Headrush update 4.0.
IS WRONG , you can still use the transtion, it was because I changing the channels on the Beatbuddy. My apologies for this error

PS : Best is change the outro fill to 8 measures (give you more time to restart the looper)



Here’s what headrush support sent me.
And thank you for the detailed video explaining the work around I will give that a try and see if I can pull it off. And with the transition not working with the headrush update I was able to get it to work after moving my headrush to channel 10 and leaving my beat buddy on channel 3. Using my midi controller I can move to the previous or next transition without setting off the practice tool.

I know about channels, I reported it in writing in the post