Beat Buddy Boss RC 600 Start / Stop Issue

I sent this to support but I thought I would post my issue here as well:

I am long time user of the Beat Buddy (I own three) and I have come across an issue that is driving me insane. Here is my use case:

I have my Beat Buddy configured with a two button footswitch that when pressed, mutes and stops the RC 600. When I press it again, the beat starts and track one on my RC 600 starts from the beginning. Everything is perfect until the second time I repeat this behavior. The very next time I try to do this – the Beat Buddy itself mutes but the tracks don’t stop. Also, when I end the Beat Buddy the tracks no longer stop either. It is very inconsistent and I can’t figure it out.

Here is what I have tried:

  • Restored default settings on both RC 600 and Beat Buddy
  • Disabled “Mute Pause” on the Beat Buddy
  • Unplugged and re-plugged midi cable

Here is the closest I got to a solution but it didn’t work for me (worked at first):

I have no problem on synching BB and RC600 - its flawless and works very well. The issue - during a live loop there are times that I need to “pause” all the sounds (BB drums and RC600 loops), so I will tap on BB Footswitch No. 2, the problem is - sometimes the BB drum sounds get “paused”, but the RC600 loops don’t pause at all (they are supposed to pause together with BB) The problems is - sometimes the “pause” works on both BB and RC600, but sometimes it works only on BB and not on RC600. It appears to be random, at least on my setup. Am I missing something? or is this a glitch? Thank you.

Found it! In BB - the “Mute Pause” feature must be “Disabled”. By default it is set to “Midi-Activated” - that is why the RC600 loops still keeps on playing even if the BB drums have already been “paused” or “stopped”. Thanks!

It is almost like the Beat Buddy forgets to send the start stop command sometimes.

Any ideas would be tremendously helpful!


Update - After more tests resulting in the same problems, I stumbled on a clue. If I press record right after the count in from the Beat Buddy, have the issue of mute and stop not working more often then not. If I let the Beat Buddy cycle one measure or so before I hit record, things seem to work as expected - mute stops drums and tracks and unmute starts from the beginning of track one. Maybe the count in or the intro is throwing it off?

I also testing Auto Record and I would arm track one and start the Beat Buddy. After the count in, the RC600 would start recording. It was perfect until I noticed is need to play a whole cycle before it would let record to track 2. I have since turned it off and the problem went away. I am sure I am missing something here that is related to both of these issues.

I think it’s better to have separate threads for different issues :thinking:

Anyway, the setup is probably a lot simpler that what the text seems to be telling. But I try to see how I understand it:

  1. You are using a dual momentary footswitch to pause the BB, right?
  2. You are expecting BB to send stop signal when paused
  3. Unpause should send start signal
  4. RC 600 should always start and stop based on the midi commands send by BB

Point 1 probably works without any problems, right? And I guess you checked the BB settings so that they match the points 2 and 3. Then the only way to see if the issue is with BB is to record the midi messages with some device :thinking: And with the RC 600 I don’t have any knowledge to help :sweat_smile:

Hi aapo, Thank you for responding. You are exactly right on all points. I did have a bit of a break thru last night. After testing I learned that if you record immediatly after the intro on the BB, the pause start / stop is unreliable. If I wait to record until one bar of drums have cycled, the pause start / stop works reliably. I am not sure why that would be yet.

Note that you can have the start signal at the beginning of intro or beginning of beat (after intro). Perhaps testing both could help :relieved: And I don’t know it it affects but you can try to toggle the midi clock sent all the time or only when playing :slightly_smiling_face:

Basically test all the midi settings until you find something that works the best for you :smile: