Beat buddy charts or explanation spread sheet?

Is there a file available that shows what each stock drum sound is made up of? For example ROCK 1 is bass drum on beats #1 and 3, snare on beats 2 and 4, closed HH twice per beat throughout the measure?
I want to have a description file for the sample beats so I can locate them more quickly to match up with the songs I want to learn. Does that exist here in some form?

The file you are talking about is the midi file that defines the beat :thinking:

You can make a feature request for BBMO to add such filtering feature :blush: I also think that would be useful :yum:

Gary did a good job with his sheet music file.

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Do you know if he managed to do similar files for the other genres he mentioned? :upside_down_face:

And if BBMO would have the main beat visualised in a list form then that could be even better than any filtering option :thinking: Human eye is afterall very sophisticated in recognising patterns :yum:

I haven’t seen anything other than his Rock beats. It’s possible that not a lot of BB users know how to read drum music, who knows? I can read any sheet music put in front of me, but that can be a curse, as well as a blessing. :grin:
Yes, the human eye is the best!

If more people found the sheet music useful… it might inspire me to do more of them. I only did the Rock songs… and then went back to all my other music projects. BUT… if it would be useful, I had a pretty good work flow set up, where I could probably do all of them in a few days, I guess.

But - will anyone actually use the sheets I spend countless hours producing?

Sheet music for BeatBuddy

That is a good question. It would require some system and/or routine for the user :thinking:

If there would be more of those sheets then I might try to build a system for myself, but it’s another question if I’d prefer that system over just listening one by one or picking any beat with the desired genre and time signature :sweat_smile:

I mean if I have the luxury of having time to read a sheet in order to select a beat then I probably have time to listen them one by one and just playing around :thinking:

But are we going in a different direction what @TatayTCK is after? Or would this be a solution for your needs? :upside_down_face:

Did you produce the sheet music by ear, or with an export/import app?

I know a lot of people cannot read charts, so I was thinking more of a spreadsheet style that would basically outline, in one or two measures, the basic idea of where the snare, the bass, and the high hat fall in the measure, since all the common beats would fit into that simple concept.
I do mostly cover rock and country so the beats are not complicated, but it sure does help to know if the snare is on two or just four when matching beats. I am not talking about the fills at all. I can listen to a song and hear where the beats fall, but matching it up with the actual BB beats is the time consuming part.
I will admit, I have not figured this out myself, but I’m working on it.
I know it’s easy for a Drummer to do, but I’m not one.

Well, seems like there might not be such a solution yet. Have you tried doing such spreadsheet by yourself? :upside_down_face: For couple beats you use the most. I mean that once you can try it you know if it works or not :relieved:

And once you have something it would be nice to see it, perhaps others would benefit from it too :blush:

Well since there is nothing, that’s my choice.
I have started already, the first rock group beats.
Just want to make it into a form that is useful.
I will be checking out the charts mentioned above. Don’t read drum charts but all input here has value.
The reason I want it is for this:
This country beat has the snare on the 3rd. Which BB beat has that?
I want to be able to see a list rather than play a dozen or more different beats to find it.

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