Beat Buddy, Loopers, Midi Sync

Then use Google Translate like I do all the time!!

When I use Google translate for technical purposes, it gives me really weird results :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ll try anyway

I wrote to the Pigtronix tech support and they told me that I can change tempo with Infinity application via PC. But, unfortunately, when i start the app I got a message “no loopers found”, even if the looper is correctly connected with the PC and correctly “seen” by it.
Anyone have this issue? I wrote again to the support but still no answers :frowning:

Marcos, I am sorry, but this is probably not the most appropriate place for seeking help with Pigtronix. While anyone can definitely help you here, but asking this same question on Pigtronix forums is probably a much much better way to get a qualified answer in due time.

Speaking for myself only, I don’t either own Pigtronix or even used one, so I am glad to help, but I simply do not know.

I think I have sent two questions to Pigtronix tech support over the last year. One was answered quickly. The other was never answered.

I had trouble connecting my Infinity to a computer until I found the original USB cord that came with it. From there, it seemed to work well. I don’t see why that should be the case—a USB cord is a USB cord, right?—but that was my experience.

Tried to use the Boss RC-3,doesn’t work.
Should have the Pigtronix tomorrow.

Well, I am pretty sure, Boss RC-3 does indeed work, but without MIDI sync at all (as it doesn’t even have sockets for it).
By the way, I am sure I can play what I play in the video in my signature without using MIDI sync at all (I may even make a second video of that any time in the future). When using a looper without MIDI sync all that counts is if you are able to hit start and stop being insanely precise.

It also depends on pedal response. When I changed from Ditto to Pigtronix i was by far more precise. That is normal, as Pig costs like four Dittos :smiley:

Re: Beat Buddy, Loopers, Midi Sync,pigtronix looper

How do you get the Beatbuddy to control the start /stop on the pigtronix looper??


Im having a good time using my RC300 as the master and the Beat Buddy as the slave.

I tap tempo on the RC300 stop button. When I press record the Beat buddy starts. When I stop the loop the Beat Buddy stops.

Using the RC300 in single track mode I can record different loops for Verse, Pre and CHorus. Pretty Cool.

Heres what I wish could do.

  • Change parts on the Beat buddy when I record on a different track on the RC300.

  • Send a control change to the Beat Buddy. Im wishing to select a different program on the RC300 and send that program change to the Beat Buddy. So that I can change song settings from one device. Is this possible?

What advantages are there using the Beat Buddy as the Master?


You know, I wish I could do the same with my Boomerang III. Unfortunately, this is close to impossible. Both devices must support the same MIDI commands to be able to do that. I think that BeatBuddy will soon be able to do a lot of cool things via MIDI, but I doubt RC-300 (or my Rang) ever will.

In your particular case, there is no advantage, as you are using the only way that works. Boss loopers are known to be total garbage when it comes to be MIDI Slave.

Thanks for the Reply.

Im just wondering why everyone wants to use the Beat Buddy as the master. Am I missing something?

If I was to get a “rang” and use it as a slave to the Beatbuddy, what features would I be able to use that I cant use in my RC300 master, beatbuddy slave set up?

Thanks again.

Comparing Boss to Rang III is like comparing an orange to a tasty orange. It looks the same, but feels a lot better :slight_smile:
The pedals are great, the stroke is minimal, so you are much more precise with your taps overall. You have up to 4 tracks to rock, track changes can be easily queued, you have two modes of playing - either serial (tracks are played one by one), or free (you can have up to all 4 tracks to play at once). These track changes queueing stacks up with MIDI sync from BeatBuddy is really nice. You can also read the manual for Boomerang III. Overall, it is a great MIDI slave device that complements MIDI Master BeatBuddy very well, as opposed to MIDI Master RC-300 that leaves you unable to use BeatBuddy tap tempo (and tempo control knob).

hold down synch multi on boot up,bingo!BB starts and stops pigtronix looper,nice.

Strangwly I am finding my RC-300 to be most uncooperative, stopping and starting is fine, but if the loop last more than 4 or 5 cycles it drifts off sync. Finding excuses to pause and restart gets it back again but it does drift off over time…Do you find that?

On advice from many other forums, I use the RC-300 as the master, as apparently it is utterly useless as the slave, but do let us know how that works for you.

Hi guys,

my Beatbuddy works really fine with the Pigtronix Infinity Looper. The only issue is that you need to use the same song/tempo with the recorded loop. Otherwise the looper will adapt the loop to the new tempo but with a different pitch. And the result is not good at all. The best for me was to write on a paper the loop number and the song/tempo to which it is associated.

I have posted a video (Get ready…) :


I’ve been meaning to ask this, but the Infinity constantly tries to adapt loops to changing tempo…sometimes it works better than others, but do you know of a way to turn that “feature” off? The reason I ask leads me to a question regarding the BB and it’s “humanization” of rhythm. From what I understand, the BB randomizes the rhythm pattern slightly to make it sound less perfect and more human…, so, is the BB altering the MIDI clock to accomplish this?

I am not sure that is the case. Most likely what you see is caused by the interference in the MIDI connector cable. Use the one as short as possible.

Is that VoiceLive 2 gtx can synchronize with the beatbuddy ?

I bought a used/mint Boomerang III many many months ago in anticipation of the BB’s arrival. It’s a bit more complicated than my TC Ditto X2 (currently on my acoustic board) or my Digitech Jamman Stereo, but it can do so much more (except store loops like the Digitech). I’m looking forward to using my new acoustic board with the BB, Boomerang and Line 6 M9 all synched via midi. That setup will be the bee’s knees.