Is there a way to change the text size in Beat Buddy manager? I can’t read the headings in the song files. The text font is very small and the box it is in is even smaller. The text box obscures the full height of the text. Looking for an Options tab, a Preferences tab, or something similar. Thanks in advance.
I don’t think there are any options to change the font size in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM). You might try changing your display screen resolution but I would not recommend doing so. Instead, I’d recommend using the BBMO, where you can change the font size. Especially easy if you have a trackpad and you can “pinch out” to enlarge the font. Here’s some comparisons of the BBM, the BBMO default and the “pinched out” BBMO. Oh, if you’re using the BBMO, (I’m using Vivaldi), the View menu has Page Zoom In.
BBM Default Screen View
BBMO Default Screen View
BBMO Page Zoomed In View
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Somebody posted this before so I will attach screen shot. I had to do this on both
my systems
On a Windows system,
- Go to your “Beat Buddy Manager” short cut, right click on it
select “Properties” - On “Beat Buddy Manager Properties”,
select the “Compatibility” tab.
click “Change high DPI settings” - On “Choose the high DPI setting for this program”
select the check box for “Override high DPI scaling behavior”