I’ll respond to the question as to why I haven’t posted the BB song roadmaps public.
There are several reasons for that.
The “charts” that I have were created for a specific purpose and were constructed in a manner to facilitate that purpose, which is the creation of drum parts and arranging them into BB songs. They were meant for my use only. Those charts are different from how they would have been done if I were to play them live, in real-time, on an acoustic drumset, which may still be different from how I would notate them for others to use.
In addition to myself, another three people did drum transcriptions for me. While I provided the exact specifications on how they should be done, many of them were done differently. So, they are not consistent. Some charts show how many times a section should be played, while others show how many times a drum part should be repeated. I know the styles of each transcriber, so I can tell what’s what.
When I first started creating the drum charts for the songs, I didn’t notate the lengths of sections, as there was no talk of AP then.
Realistically, if you were to hire a pro drummer to read those drum charts and press the pedal for you in real-time while you play your instrument, they would have a hard time doing that in most cases. Two of my assistants spent months deciphering and programming those scribbles into the unfinished BBM autopilot.
So, while some charts may be somewhat helpful, you won’t know what you are looking at and how to begin with, others. You won’t see how some parts were actually accomplished in MIDI and loaded into the BB. Some parts were glued together, while others stayed separate. This may lead to further disappointment and frustration.
I think they would be a waste of time, and that’s why I haven’t posted them. So, now that you know what they are let me know if you still want me to post them. To be perfectly clear, I do NOT offer any guarantee and will NOT provide any guidance or explain anything with regards to them.
Let me know.