BeatBuddy Giveaway!!! This is a giveaway for the BeatBuddy, Footswitch+, MIDI Sync Cable, and Complete Premium Library Collection!!

Clever Bill. Clever. Haha.

Is this legit?

Yes Andre, I set up the giveaway and we launched it just today :slight_smile:

Got it! Sweet. Just have to enter here.

Everyone and their referral links. haha.

Why does the YouTube entry need to “manage my YouTube account” ? Seems excessive.

Oh, and enter here lol

I didn’t realize trolling was okay here…

I’ll look into it, but IIRC, that’s the default necessary permission from YouTube. Gleam (the app we are using for the giveaway) won’t do anything with your YouTube account other than verify you’ve subscribed. I’ve used the app in the past both as a entrant and when hosting a giveaway and have never had a security issue.

Thought it was worth a try at least…