BeatBuddy Loader Software (Version 1.0.x)

I’ve just installed BB loader and have the same issue with java. Is there any guideline how to fix that (Win10pro/64)?

I have added the temporary fix to the top post

What type of computer do you use? What is its OS?

Check the post at the top of the thread


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It looks like it does work now! Thank you!

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Mac (Ventura 13.2)

You should at least fix this Loader for us, Mac users with latest MacOS, as the Manager itself won’t be updated anytime soon. The usability of my BB is virtually inexistent nowdays… last time I had to “sync” my project it took 45 minutes (!!!)… that’s really annoying and in the end is turning almost impossible for me to use my BeatBuddy. I had so much hope when I saw that there’s was Loader to organize and sync my Beatbuddy… to my disappointment when it crashes on my Ventura. Please… one more time, we beg for this thing to work, we paid for something that’s almost unusable without a software.

Are you using Ventura on an M-series Mac (which one, M1 or M2)?

Were you synchronizing or exporting your project from the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM)? If you were exporting, contact me via DM for an option as I have something you might want to try.

One of the workarounds I’ve shared with macOS forum users was to use either Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper (both work in Ventura). The initial cloning of your project to your SD card will take a while but subsequent clone operations will go quickly as it only backs up the data that has changed. If you don’t have either one of these commercial apps, you’ll have to buy one—I know, bummer, especially when you’ve got so much invested in your computer and BeatBuddy (BB), etc. :angry:

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Hi! I’m using a Macbook M1. Already scanned this whole forum searching for solutions, and yes, I even considered buying Carbon Copy, but… 50 bucks just to have a faster way to sync? No…

Another workaround that I already tested was that one that you export once and then never close BBManager anymore. The sync option will be available for now on, since you never close BBManager and never turn off you Mac… Ok, that works, BUT… when you keep your BBManager opened all the time, I don’t know why, but soon it will crash, the next day it won’t be working anymore, no sound… I did this twice, with the same results… won’t last long and it will crash, and then you’ll have to force-close, and when you open it again, it will have the “gray sync”.

My last hope was the Loader Software, since I have the complete collection of yours, it’s already plenty of beats and options… I rarely need to edit/create a beat or fill… I just need to remove some “too busy” fills or maybe put the chorus beat on the first part of the song… just some minor “editing”… I could do this easily, even with the buggy BBmanager… but then, I have to SYNC the changings and new songs to my SD Card… and at least for ME, THIS is the big problem… I just want to SYNC and organize my SD Card without having to wait almost an hour.

Check your forum inbox for my DM

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Hi there!

Is the BeatBuddy Loader software available (or likely to become available) on GitHub or a similar location for Java developers with a bit of time to spare to possibly contribute code, bug fixes and/or do some testing?

The loader softare seems like a better candidate for being an open source project than the full BBM 2.x software. There might be enough proprietary aspects to keep this from happening even for the loader, but I thought that I would ask. I hope to be diving into using MIDI with my BeatBuddy in the next few months and might have some time to do more on a technical level.

I appreciate the work that goes into such software projects for a smaller company and hope that the work on the BB software comes to fruition soon!


  • Dwayne

We are working on a new version that will also undergo testing for ventura, we apologize for any inconvenience

More news soon!

Interesting request! We may do this we will look into it and speak with our devs about it

Thanks for the feedback a newer version of the BBL 1.1.x is in testing!

I understand if the request doesn’t bear fruit, but do appreciate that it is being considered… Thanks for the heads up about the new version that is on the horizon! I’m looking forward to checking it out.

Thanks for the reply!

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Hey all the new version 1.1.1 has been released

Thanks for all the feedback!

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Where is the version number displayed in BeatBuddy Loader?

Go to your Applications folder, highlight the file and press CMD-I (macOS) or ctrl-I (windows).

Go to your Applications folder, highlight the file and press CMD-I

Maybe so on a Mac.

It is rare that an app’s version number isn’t displayed from within the app.

The application version number is at the bottom of the home screen

Ah, yes! In a barely visible color. Thanks!

The 1.1.2 version is not working on MacOS Sonoma. :frowning: I thought the entire design of this app was to be portable…

The app opens and there is no window, just a menu bar that does nothing when clicked. Have to force quit as there is no option to quit.

Hey guys, the BeatBuddy Manager online application is now out and free to the public

Read more here:

This thread will now be closed and the BeatBuddy Loader will no longer be supported.

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