BeatBuddy Manager Online - Release Announcement!

Hello BeatBuddies, major news!

We are excited to announce the release of the BeatBuddy Manager Online, or ‘BBMO’ for short

Release 1.5.4 out now! (1/13/25)

Read the changelog here

Check it out here:

Full Manual here:

BeatBuddy Manager Online Manual (v1.5.4)_ver_1.pdf (13.5 MB)

BeatBuddy Manager Online Manual (v1.5.4)_ver_1_PRINTER_VERSION.pdf (15.7 MB)

Use the BeatBuddy Manager Online to:

  • Import and export all associated BeatBuddy files into your BeatBuddy project, and load them onto the BeatBuddy SD card.
    • .sng - Song files
    • .drm - Drum files
    • .pbf - Folder Files
    • .bbp - Project Files
    • MIDI and WAV - Building blocks to use for Songs, Drum Sets, and Accent hits
  • Edit your song files
    • Add/remove song parts
    • Add/remove regular, intro, transition, and outro fills
    • Edit the MIDI files using the MIDI editor
    • Edit the default drum set and tempo for the song
      • This default can be ignored by disabling the Default Drum Set and Default Tempo settings on the BeatBuddy itself. (Settings > Main Pedal)
    • Set the song’s accent hit and the accent hit volume
    • Import and export MIDI files
  • Edit your drum sets
    • Edit the drum set info and settings
    • Add/remove instruments
    • Import instruments from other drum sets
    • Import samples
      • Auto arrange your imports
    • Edit and arrange the velocity to sample layers
  • Preview your content
    • Use the BeatBuddy emulator to test out your masterpiece
      • Tap, hold, or double-tap the main pedal or footswitch functions to start, stop, transition, pause, and play the accent hit.
    • Play back MIDI files while editing them in the MIDI editor
    • Audition .wav samples as you add them as accent hits or to a drum set instrument
  • Create and edit playlists

Setting Up for the First Time

We suggest making a copy of the SD card on your computer and editing the files from there. Once you are happy with your edits, you can do a synchronization to your SD card to load it onto the BeatBuddy. Read more about how to synchronize to the SD card in the full manual.

You DO NOT have to have an SD card connected to your computer to use the BeatBuddy Manager Online, you only need to have a copy on a physical drive (your computer or hard drive) to be edited.

If you’ve just bought your first BeatBuddy and do not have the default content loaded on your SD you can always find the default content on our website, it’s free! You do not need to own an SD card to edit content on the BeatBuddy Manager Online.

You can find all downloadables in the BeatBuddy section of our support page: Support

How to get the content loaded on your computer:

  1. Copy the contents (files and folders) from your BeatBuddy’s SD card to a new folder on your computer OR download the Default Content v2 project .zip file and unzip the file, inside will be a folder enclosing all relevant project files.

  2. Move the entire folder (with all its contents) to a location on your computer that you will easily remember where it is, it can be anywhere on your computer.

  3. (Suggested:) Duplicate this project somewhere on your computer to create a backup

  4. Open the BeatBuddy Manager Online web application

  5. Click ‘Open Project’

  6. Select and/or open the folder with the project files inside of it, and hit the Enter key or confirm the project location on the pop-up file browser window.

  7. Do not only select the .bbp file. You must open the entire folder.

  8. Your browser will ask if you would like to edit the files, click ‘Edit Files’ in the pop up window to finalize opening the project

  9. All set! Now you can name your project by clicking the name of the project at the top where it says “Default Content v2” and get going on your own personal project

Load Project

To load an existing project, use the Load Project button. If you are just starting out, we encourage you to download the Default Library from our website and read the Setting Up for the First Time section on pg. x for more information. This is the same process needed to load the Premium Library content.

  1. Open the BeatBuddy Manager Online web application
  2. Click ‘Open Project’
  3. Select and/or open the folder with the project files inside of it, and hit the Enter key or confirm the project location on the file browser import window
  4. Your browser will ask if you would like to edit the files, click ‘Edit Files’ in the pop up window to finalize opening the project
  5. All set! Now you can get going on your own personal project!

Create Project

This will create a blank project that you can start from scratch

  1. When you open the Start Page of the application, click ‘Create Project’
  2. This will ask you to choose a location to save the new blank project on your computer, and save the folder to a location on your computer that you will easily remember where it is, it can be anywhere on your computer.
  3. Your browser will ask if you would like to edit the files, click ‘Edit Files’ in the pop up window to finalize opening the project
  4. All Set! When you open the project on the editor, you will need to add all song and drum files yourself.


Basic use

The BeatBuddy Manager is meant to work with the BeatBuddy. Make sure you are on the latest BeatBuddy Firmware (v4.1.6 or later) to enjoy the most out of the BeatBuddy Manager Online. There are many things you can do on the BeatBuddy Manager Online application, read this section to learn how to do all of it!

BeatBuddy Manager Online is a web application, you will need an internet connection to edit, save/sync, and import/export files. Do not close the window, quit the browser, or turn off your computer without saving the project first.

We highly recommend saving your BeatBuddy Project Files to your computer and editing from there, and then once you are done editing, sync it to your SD.

To read more about starting out with the BeatBuddy Manager Online, read the full manual.

Project Toolbar

Any action made on the Project toolbar affects all files across the entire project.


If you would like to undo or redo your last few actions tap the undo or redo icons in the project Toolbar

To use keyboard shortcuts, either use Control + Z on PC or Command + Z on Mac to undo. You can also redo using Control + Shift + Z on PC or Command + Shift + Z on Mac.

Save Project

Always save your project continually to not lose work. Also, in order to write the project to your SD card, you must first save it. Saving time depends on how many things have changed since the last save and on your internet connection.

Sync to SD Card

Once you have saved the project, you can sync it to a connected SD card.

  1. Click on Sync to SD Card
  2. Select your SD card as the location for the sync
  3. All set, just leave the browser open and keep your computer from going to sleep so that the process is uninterrupted. Going to sleep does not lose progress but it does stall the saving/syncing process.

Import Song or Drum Set

To import a song

  1. Click on Import Song
  2. Select a .sng or .pbf file to import
  3. All set!

To import a drum set

  1. Click on Import Drum Set
  2. Select a .drm file to import
  3. All set!

Project Footer

There is some extra information available in the Project window’s footer

Songs Tab Footer

In the Songs Tab, the far left side of the footer will contain the currently selected song’s name and the codes needed to both use Song Select (open songs on or with the BeatBuddy) and the OnSong code (set OnSong to open specific BeatBuddy songs)

To learn more about using MIDI Song select with the BeatBuddy read the manual or check out this forum post.

The BeatBuddy Emulator

Use the BeatBuddy emulator just like you would use your BeatBuddy main pedal! In the song selector, select the song you wish to audition using the emulator.

The Library

The Library makes up the left-hand side of the BeatBuddy Manager screen on all tabs, here you’ll find all your songs, folders, drum sets, and playlists. You can also easily rename any item in the Library by double-tapping its name to make the field editable.

The content found in the library depends on the current tab you’re on.


The BeatBuddy Manager online is separated into 3 main tabs in the left-hand library:

  • Songs
  • Playlists
  • Drum Sets

Song Editor

In the song editor section, the BeatBuddy songs can be edited to add/remove parts, and is used in conjunction with the MIDI editor section to load, export, and edit your MIDI files. Read more about the MIDI editor in the BeatBuddy Manager Online manual.

MIDI Editor

The BeatBuddy Manager Online features the ability to edit, create, copy/paste, import, and export MIDI files.

The editor opens any time you click on a MIDI file Bubble.

Expanded MIDI Editor

Once open, you are able to edit your MIDI file directly like when using your DAW.

To change the size of the window or bring it all the way down, hover over the MIDI editor’s top dividing line until your mouse changes into a dragging icon and drag the window to edit its size.


Use the BeatBuddy Manager Online to edit playlists on the BeatBuddy. Playlists are like folders in the sense that they have a list of songs in them, but they are not actual copies of the songs, just reorganized lists of them in your preferred custom order.

To add songs to a playlist, select the playlist you’d like to edit. On the right-hand side of the screen, there is a list of all the folders on your BeatBuddy, click on the folder to expand it and show the songs inside of it as a list. To add a song to the playlist, drag and drop the songs one by one into the Playlist in the order you’d like them.

You can reorganize the Playlist by dragging and dropping the songs within the playlist itself.

Drum Set Editor

Edit your drum sets using the BeatBuddy Manager Online.

This includes the ability to:

  • Import new samples
  • Reorganize samples inside of sample pools
  • Create and set dynamic ranges
  • Rename Drum Sets
  • Edit Drum set volume
  • Edit Instrument Volume
  • Import instruments from other Drum Sets in your project

The BeatBuddy Plugin


The BeatBuddy plug-in is an emulator of the BeatBuddy’s playback of MIDI files, and can use any BeatBuddy DRM drumset file. This enables you to load any BeatBuddy DRM file on the BeatBuddy plug-in and hear it played back in your DAW just like it would sound as if you had your BeatBuddy right inside your computer.

This is a way to easily produce using the BeatBuddy brain without the added noise of using cables, no need of adding any gain to reach pro level, plus instant conversion to all supported sample rates and bit rates. Not to mention easy conversion to an audio file in your DAW.

You can find the beta version of the plug in here.

Plug in Use Cases

  • Hear the Drum Set in your DAW as it will play back on the BeatBuddy
    • Makes editing MIDI files in your DAW much easier to use later on your BeatBuddy (hardware version).
    • No more guessing on velocities and avoids the need for using the BeatBuddy Manager to edit or create MIDI files on a large scale, just use the editor to refine as you package your content.
  • Produce your songs with the famous BeatBuddy sounds
    • Instantly humanize your MIDI track without needing to spend a bunch of time editing MIDI files. The BeatBuddy’s famous round-robin algorithm will take care of the human element.
    • Mix your drum set in the plugin mixer or create multiple instances with individual instruments soloed on each instance. Freeze and commit these tracks as .wav files to mix and produce further using your DAW.
    • No added noise of using the Hardware version
    • Works in any sample rate or bit depth
    • Sounds like you gave your MIDI file to a real drummer!
  • Large free access to treasure trove of content available on the Singular Sound Forum
    • Access 10 years of user generated DRM files
  • Edit all of the content quickly using the BeatBuddy Manager Online application
    • Tweak or create your own drum sets starting with our own library of sounds or import your own!

New Content!

Use the brand new Beat Boutique drum set content with your BeatBuddy products! Get 30% off if you buy the Bundle!

sale BB box

List of Hotkeys/Shortcuts

Category Mac Command PC Command Action
Undo Cmd + Z Ctrl + Z Undo
Cmd + Shift + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
MIDI Editor Space Space Play track (from track position)
Shift + Space Shift + Space Play track from beginning
Delete Backspace Delete selected note(s)
Cmd + A Ctrl + A Select all notes
Cmd + C Ctrl + C Copy selected notes
Cmd + V Ctrl + V Paste copied notes
Cmd + X Ctrl + X Cut selected notes
ArrowUp ArrowUp Move selected notes up
Opt + ArrowUp Alt + ArrowUp Move selected notes up (an octave)
ArrowDown ArrowDown Move selected notes down
Opt + ArrowDown Alt + ArrowDown Move selected notes down (an octave)
ArrowLeft ArrowLeft Move notes left a division (eg. 16th note)
ArrowRight ArrowRight Move notes right a division (eg. 16th note)
Virtual Pedal Cmd + Space Ctrl + Space Press pedal
Opt + Space Alt + Space Press pedal (because sometimes Cmd+Space is mapped to Spotlight on a Mac etc)
F F Trigger a fill
T T Trigger a transition
1 1 Transition to part 1
2 2 Transition to part 2
9 9 Transition to part 9
O O Trigger outro
S S Trigger stop (no outro)
A A Trigger left foot switch (accent)
L L Trigger left foot switch (accent)
P P Trigger right foot switch (pause)
R R Trigger right foot switch (pause)
Drum Set Editor ArrowDown ArrowDown Select next instrument
Shift + ArrowDown Shift + ArrowDown Select next instrument (grow/shrink selection)
ArrowUp ArrowUp Select previous instrument
Shift + ArrowUp Shift + ArrowUp Select previous instrument (grow/shrink selection)
Delete/Backspace Delete/Backspace Delete selected instrument(s)
Escape Escape Clear instrument selection
Editable Fields Return Enter Save
Escape Escape Cancel

Found a bug? Let us know by posting a comment below, or write to




Nice but not working with Firefox Browser ?
Need Arc, Chrome or Edge ?

1 Like

Safari and Firefox don’t support the FileSystemAPI on directories which is essential for working with a BB project and SD cards.

When Safari or Firefox adds support, the editor will just work, I would say bug their forums!

More news soon thanks for the question :slight_smile:


Since Chrome is apparently the only Mac friendly browser that will support BBMO at this time, that fact ought to be noted in the setup section of the manual. If Safari and/or Firefox ever add support, you can edit the manual at that time. That is saying simply that the MANUAL, and not random forum posts, should be where users are provided with the information they need to use the product.


Edge is also Mac friendly, I use it myself with no issue!

We will take your feedback and will apply it to the next manual version,



Thanks, Brennan. I hadn’t heard of Edge, but I’ll probably install it just to use with BBMO. I’m not a fan of Chrome.


My pleasure!

I really love edge, it’s a great browser! I run it just fine on M1 running Sonoma and on Intel Mac on Catalina 10.15.7

1 Like

Thank you. SS and BBFF. Firefox has been non functional on many sites for quite sometime, don’t wait for it. Edge at its core is chrome by M$ and will be being fed ads. Chrome has the fastest development cycle? Resistance is futile.


This is potentially great news. Will the new Midi Editor work more like a DAW with proper note on/off and copy/paste editing ability? (For instance, drums sets with Bass Guitars) If so, game changer for me personally.

1 Like

Yep!!! Correct :slight_smile: read the manual for all the info on how to use the midi editor and all of the included features!

We’ve basically become a host for a premiere free midi editor that anyone can use even without an SD card or BeatBuddy unit :slight_smile:

The included emulator means you can hear things before you put them on your BeatBuddy, edit from anywhere you have wifi!


I use Arc, been using it mostly with BBFF, now BBMO. Uses the Chrome architecture but respects privacy. Also not a fan of Chrome.

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I see the latest version was released today. Any place where we can follow version history, what’s new, etc.?


Good point! We will build something that is housed in our website but basically just some minor bug fixes so far. We are primarily looking for immediate bugs to fix and have the app running smoothly.

We will have the same changelog feature soon!

Thanks for the question


Firefox user here. Don’t care for Chrome, but do have it on the computer. Tried to open BBMO with Chrome, but got a message wasn’t supported. Somewhere could it be noted what OS or browser versions support the BBMO, as the latest version of Chrome on my Win7 PC won’t load it. My ‘non-music’ Win11 PC loaded BBMO OK with Chrome (if I could I would uninstall MS Edge).

Will BBM and BB Loader remain available either on the SS site or here on the forum? Both are still viable and workable programs which would be wise for a BB owner to archive for the future.


Using Command + Z on Mac to undo generates an error. A window comes up stating that
"This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

Using the arrows work fine.
Ventura 13.6.6, latest version of Arc

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This app is going to edit a opb song like a daw ?? I use reaper. Can I stop using reaper and use this manager??

Have been looking at BBMO, using Chrome, latest version on Windows 10.
Have read the manual and have started to try and use.
So far NOT IMPRESSED. Looks nice, and having read the manual started to try and do some editing. At this stage not creating stuff from scratch, but trying to tidy up stuff created ages ago using BB Manager.
The problem appears to be that it all freezes and locks up after completing a few steps. So I want to delete an existing song. Navigate to song in list and it all displays nicely.
Delete all the song parts in the midi editor window, and then use the 3dot menu in song list to delete the song entry. Save Project. Now the whole page appears locked. After about 30 or 40 seconds a window appears stating “Page Unresponsive you can wait for it to become responsive or exit the page” with the |Song name|Songs|Beatbuddy Manager displayed in a box, with a button for Wait and Exit Page. Clicking the Wait button does nothing except display the same message after another 30 or 40 seconds. Clicking the Exit button displays the error message “Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG”.

And here was I hoping for something from SS that actually works well and intuitively, but apparently not. Initial excitement that I could “easily” edit and copy BB content has only resulted in more disappointment.

Would love to hear from anyone who may be able to suggest why this is happening?

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@guifreitas I still use Logic, after all is a stronger app, easier to make bulk selections, etc. but you can still do a LOT in BBMO that you usually use a DAW for. And, since BB tends to truncate notes that overlap in some situations, I import to BBMO and then edit other things there. It is very good at lowering note velocities, when you find that the drumkit used sounds too harsh, etc.

@Montage9 Sorry to hear that. I’ve been using BBFF almost since day 1, and, as any new software, found some bugs that were fixed by Andrew very fast, until it became a very stable web app. I’ve used it without issues for a while now, even though I prefer actual apps not dependent on internet availability.
Having said that, I have found minor issues since the app “moved to its new location”. Nothing as serious as a freeze, but, for example, using the keyboard shortcut for Undo on Mac, a strange popup appears stating that the site can’t be reached. Even though, the app performs the undo, is just that the popup is annoying.
I will follow your steps and try to replicate your issue. Mine is a Mac, I use Arc, not Chrome. Will let you know.

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