BeatBuddy Manager Online - Release Announcement!

@Montage9 , I could not replicate your issue. Created a song, added some parts, deleted them and deleted the song via the 3dot menu. Everything worked, no lag. Maybe it is a Windows 10/Chrome only issue. Sorry, hopefully someone else with Windows and Chrome can try?

Montage9… if you might be using ‘addons’ in your browser such as ad blockers or similar, try disabling those while using the BBMO app. I’ve had other online apps and sites hang on a page or not function correctly with some ad blockers I use.


Potentially great news! Gonna try it out immediately. As happy as I am with the beatbuddy, as frustrated i have been with the manager software up till now, a pain in the butt. I hope this will make things easier, at least I don’t have to use a virtual machine anymore.


Thank you Phil from the Mac side of things.

Please add Firefox support for those of us who don’t care to have Chrome, Edge etc. on our machines! Otherwise, looks like a welcome addition!
Thanks in advance…

Thank you, David! I have been using my Beat Buddy & Beat Buddy Manager for ~4 years now. I don’t do complex editing with/for it; I play music for very happy audiences. I love it. They love it. I get more gigs. It does what, I believe, you set out to accomplish. Some folks just seem to have a problem for every solution. Your work is much appreciated. Thank you again.

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This seems like a nice enhancement. Is there a EULA or privacy policy for this software? Thanks.



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This is the best news I’ve heard out of Singular Sound in years. I have not yet tried the BeatBuddy Manager Online, but I’ve struggled with the old BeatBuddy Manager for many years. Having a new BeatBuddy Manager that seems to work well under most circumstances and has an actively engaged developer is amazing all by itself. Thanks @andrew13!

Beyond that, having @DavidPackouz and company recognize the development for what it is and bring it in house is also great news. Good job to the folks at Singular Sound for seizing this opportunity!


Guys, I take back everything I said. Using BBMO I eventually managed to delete all the created and edited songs in my project that were created with the BBM. This would appear to have resolved my issues with the new BBMO app. There must have been some errors or corruption in the content I created with the BBM, although it was all working fine in the BB unit.
Spent an hour today recreating some of the deleted stuff without any drop outs or hangs. Opinion has now changed and BBMO looks good.
I still don’t like the idea of the web app though - it relies on the server at SS remaining online, cables under the Pacific, ISPs maintaining access etc. Whilst such problems are rare, they do exist, and here in Australia there have been several 12 hour plus internet outages recently.

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Haven’t tried yet, but I’m just thinking that is it possible to download the app into offline mode? :thinking:


Don’t know if you are looking for feature requests but one of the problems I used to have was auditioning all the various midi files to get something close enough to what I was looking for that I could edit. I can see with this now it might be possible to do that nicely if you have a ‘search’ feature for songs that could search for a combination of words e.g. ‘Brushes Beat 8ths’ that would then list all the different midi parts that matched that in one long list. You should then be able to audition each just by clicking on the name so it plays straight away in one click. Extra points for being able to ‘select’ or deselect a part so it was removed from your list so you can narrow it down.

I tend to do that just on paper at the moment but if if could be built into the interface that would be awesome. The new online manager is already very lovely though, thanks

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For all you Linux fans out there, the BBMO works fine with the Chromium snap (tested on Ubuntu 24.04). Nice to finally have something that can be used under Linux without having to load up a Windows VM :slight_smile:


Hello @BrennanSingularSound.

Is there a printer friendly version of this manual?
The background is black on every page, and this will be a great waste of black ink.
Please provide the link.


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In Chrome, it works as a web app but it will not work offline.
Arc does not have a web app capability (yet).

Is this instead of a desktop application, I often work in places without an internet connection so unless theres an offline mode I’d rather have a desktop app !

This was the first I’ve heard of BBMO

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Congrats, been using it a little bit, this is a big step forward I would say!

One bug I found is that some note changes are not saved. I change the length of a note, I think it’s especially the Sweeps Long and Sweeps Off from the brush kit, I save the project and when I open it again, the changes are not there anymore.

(Chrome on Ubuntu)

Is there an advantage of running it as a web app instead of on the browser?

For me the only advantage would be if I could use it offline.

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So does it work offline, if so, please share. That would be something I am interested in too.