BeatBuddy Manager Online - Release Announcement!

I can’t find my project through this application, so I can’t open it. I saved my project on the desktop but when I click on open project and go to the desktop, the project does not appear
Only the drumsets, effects , params , songs folders appear but not the beatbudy project file (project.bbp)which is what actually opens the project

I haven’t tried it the way you describe BUT when I have my SD inserted and select that and despite the lack of file icon, I click “Open” it does indeed load up the project.
If the entire contents of your sd card are in one desktop file, I suspect it will behave the same.
The BBFF was the same way. For whatever reason it just doesn’t show the project file icon like the BBM did.

Not sure if I’m missing something in the way BBMO works. In the original BBM I can open a project to use as a base template for another project. I was able to do a ‘Save Project As’ to rename the new project and BBM would create a new folder with the new project name within. I could edit this newly named project, save it as I progressed, and then do an ‘Export>Project to SD Card’. This made for an easy and clean workflow by doing all these steps within BBM. Does BBMO have ‘Save Project As’ and an ‘Export to SD Card’ that I’m not readily finding or do I have jump out of BBMO to do this (which I’m not to keen on doing it this way).
One other minorish niggle. In BBM original if a fill was initiated the fill part playing would highlight the text in the fill part so it was easy see which part was playing an when. BBMO appears to number the fill parts in the pedal display emulation. The smallish numbers just aren’t as evident versus a fill part having highlighted text.
I was aware of BBMO before SS’s acquisition of it and I viewed as an alternative to the original BBM. I’ll likely stick with the original BBM and BB Loader as they meet my needs and most importantly they reside on my local computers.


The manual says that it is not necessary to insert the SD card. Just look for the project but I’m not having success like that.

I just added my sd contents to a desktop folder to see if it works that way and it does. Heres some screen shots to demonstrate. Once you get into the screen shown at top here, just click “Select Folder” (you dont type anything into the search field) and that will take you to what is shown at bottom. Click “Edit Files” and you’re in

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I’ll try it this way.but I believe that doing this is the same as taking the project inside the PC and copying it to the desktop and that’s what I did and it didn’t work

All I can say is that it worked every time for me whether I accessed a desktop folder or sd card.
Lyrics are more my wheelhouse than tech instructions…so. I guess thats all I got . Good luck

Can anyone from singular sound help??

Did you copy the contents of your SD card and paste them into a folder on your desktop? If so, your project.bbp file should be in that folder. It could be that if you are using a Windows PC, the project file is invisible. Even so, the BBMO will recognize that the file is present in the folder and when you select the folder (and press Select, it will open your project. Can you provide a screen shot of the contents? Also, are you using a Windows or Mac computer and which browser are you using? I copied the contents of my SD card into a new folder on my desktop and this is what it looks like from within the BBMO on my Mac. I press the Select button and it opens the project.


So The only way to “save project as” is to go to your folder and duplicate with a different name with “- Project” at the end when BBMO is closed. to duplicate it in the OS so to speak, and then OPEN that project. WHEN YOU DO SO YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE PROJECT TITLE… it’ll still have your old one. i have 8 SSD cards I rotate / keep backups so this works as tested. Hopefully this helps.


Still waiting on response please.


The BBM Legacy version and the BBL will remain on the forum for anyone to use with the known caveat that they will not be supported further, meaning no updates or fixes. The BBMO is the new and only editor that will be supported for use with the BeatBuddy moving forward.

This is an ARC thing, unfortunately. ARC uses command + Z to do something else, you will need to use the toolbar to undo and redo with your mouse for now. Soon we will add support for cntrl/command + y to work the same as cntrl/command + z to allow arc uses the same level of usage.

I will update the original post to include the currently available hotkeys

While you technically could, the editor in Reaper is probably much more useful for large tasks and you can easily refine it in the BBMO, that being said the editor is very usable and flexible as is and you can make things form scratch in the BBMO. Read more about how to use the editor in the user manual linked in the original post at the top of this thread.

Check out the BeatBuddy Plug in, while it is only in beta, it is free for now and can be used in your DAW to demystify the editing of your MIDI files. This way you can have the benefit of the BBMO emulator inside your DAW.

Read more here!

Unfortunately, this is not something that we can do, you have to start bugging Firefox support and telling them your own version of the following request:

Please create a new version of the browser app that supports the ability to use FileSystemAPI on directories , this is essential for working with a BeatBuddy project and SD cards that are saved on my computer using the online editor.

You will need to create an account to do this

Same goes for Safari, feel free to go to Apple Support and bug them using the same prompt as your basis for the request.

Let me ask on that

Please recheck the top post! It has been added

Hi there,

This is not reproducible on our end, please send detailed steps to reproduce this as well as any video you can take of it happening

Please include OS and browser information

Thank you

Please write to with your issue at your earliest convenience if you haven’t done so already and they will help you out, thanks!

Sync To SD Card in BBMO can function just like a Save As, there is no real difference, just sync it to a place that is not your SD, then reopen the project in the BBMO (go back to the start screen) from where you just saved it.

This is a workaround but doable and not that hard to do, we may make save as more user friendly i the future, feel free to make a detailed feature request in the BBMO subcategory

Feel free to make a detailed feature request in the BBMO subcategory

Thanks for all the feedback and questions everybody!

Wow. So with a kit that has bass samples, we will be able to write bass lines in our sections just using BBMO? That would be a huge game changer.

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It looks like BBMO also works with the Opera browser

The most likely problem is that you have your file explorer set to not show hidden files.

By default, BBM seems to save projects as a hidden folder - I’m really not sure why.

To get around this, enable showing hidden items in your file explorer.

SS support people - this might be worth mentioning in the manual (if you haven’t already), assuming that you aren’t going to update BBM to change how this works.

From page 5 of the manual, it says “You DO NOT have to have an SD card connected to your computer to use the BeatBuddy Manager Online, you only need to have a copy on a physical drive
(your computer or hard drive) to be edited”

Does this mean that BBMO only works on a project from a single computer? I was hoping to use a different computer (laptop) when I’m away to make changes to my project and then sync things up when I get home on that computer (Desktop).

I’m leery about making the change over to BBMO since I have a good thing going with Reaper and legacy but being able to work on the same project from 2 different computers would push me to make the switch.

No, it doesn’t. As long as you have a browser on each of your computers that supports the BBMO, you should be good to go. It will also help to have a built-in slot reader or an external USB media reader available.

Here’s a hypothetical scenario with a desktop and a laptop that meets the above criteria. Use the desktop to edit your project and then sync to your SD card. You take your laptop and the SD card to your rehearsal and insert the SD card to your laptop. Copy all the project files from your SD card to a folder on your desktop. You can then use the BBMO to edit your project and then sync to your card.

Some tips which you probably follow already:

  • test the SD card in your pedal before you head off for the rehearsal;
  • have a backup SD card of the project made and tested before you move out;
  • copying the project files to a folder on your computer and editing on the physical drive is a suggestion—not a mandate but it provides a margin of safety.

Try the scenario before you deploy with the laptop.


Thanks Persist - as always, quick and clear information.

It seems like the BBMO then isn’t an on-line program. It needs to sync to the card after each session.

We’ll see if I take the leap!

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