BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY


Hey guys, the BeatBuddy Manager Online application is now out and free to the public

Read more here:

This thread will now be closed and the BeatBuddy Manager Legacy version will no longer be supported.

BeatBuddy Manager 1.64 Legacy

Hi BeatBuddies!

We are excited to announce the newest version of the BeatBuddy Manager (version 1.64)

Download for Windows

Download for Mac

(The Mac BBManager link above has been updated on 11/17/21. It is now the notarized version of the software)

Here is the full manual with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use and get started with the software. Please read it, it is the best reference guide to have and it is only 16 pages long. :sunglasses:

Additionally, here are all the video tutorials to get you started! Please watch them! :slight_smile:

Visit the BeatBuddy Premium Content Library to discover awesome new Beats and Drum Sets!

Got questions? Contact us at

New Improvements:

  • Auto-update: Improvements/bug fixes/etc we make in the future will automatically be applied.
  • MIDI Editor: It is in its beta stages, so we recommend using it only for simple tasks. Anything complex requiring a MIDI editor, we suggest using a 3rd party MIDI editor.
  • 500 note limit on MIDI files removed!
  • Bug Fixes

Things we’re working on:

  • Improving MIDI editor (In the meantime you can use [B]this separate program[/B] to edit beats)
  • Autopilot function: Set your songs to play from start to finish automatically, unless you interrupt to improvise!
  • Revamped user experience: The BB Manager will look better and be easier to use.

We are always REALLY excited to see (and jam with!) all of the new BeatBuddy content you guys create. Please post it in our USER GENERATED CONTENT Section of the Forum.

We would appreciate all feedback below (positive and negative alike). Thank you and enjoy! :slight_smile:

–The BeatBuddy Team!


Yay! Updating now.

A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO AASHIDEACON for doing this!!! An absolutely fantastic job. Even without the f/w being able to take advantage of every change) the sound quality has improved 1000%. Cant thank him enough for taking this on (and you should too!)


Here Here, I second all of the above! Thanks AASHIDEACON

The midi editor is basic but works great even just a few velocity changes on the fills make a difference, so much more convenient. Has the convoluted route for changing kit piece volume been simplified yet?
Thanks folks .

Can we install this update over the old one, or do we have to un-install the old BB Manager first?

If you’re on a PC, to be safe, you should probably uninstall the old versions first.

Hummm, un-installed all three BB Manager 1.50 files and went to install the new 1.64 version and it will no run. Any Ideas…on PC

Just a little more detail, please. Windows or Mac; does it fail to open at all; or just start and then stop? If you still can’t get it to install, reinstall the latest 1.6 version of the beta that you had and if it doesn’t start the auto update, try to to install from the BBM Tools > Update.

Ok I got it but had to edit the URL to do so. THanks

I must be slow or something. Now I downloaded the Alright Now song with bass. But I guess now I have to download the drum set with the bass. So I downloaded a drum set called Drum with Bass. But I don’t think that was the right one. So can some one please guide me in the right direction of how to do this so I can use the bass if I wanted to.

Persist, thank you so much for trying to help with the down load issue. When I clicked on the link it was downloading the file but with a drm extension. And yes I am on a PC. I just edit ted the download URL and it downloaded fine.

You will need a drum set with bass so download and import drum set from the BBM

I finally found it. And I did the import, and it shows up under drum set, but not under songs where the rest of my drumsets are (the blues, Brazilian, brushes beats etc.) is it supposed to? and I assume based on listening to this, it is just for this song.

At this point, probably more helpful to read the user guide
In the Project Explorer, click on the Drum Sets tab, double-click on the drum set you just imported and click the checkbox.
As a general rule of thumb, this drum set should with any song with bass however, if the user posts that he used a different drum set with bass, you can give that a try as the audio may have been optimized for a particular drum kit.

I just installed the latest 1.6.4 and I get an error:-

BBManager.exe - Ordinal Not Found
The ordinal 4430 could not be located in the dynamic link library
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\ssleay32.dll

The file is there. Any ideas what to do ?

Sorry you’re having an issue. Is this happening when you open the BeatBuddy Manager or when you open a song? Without any further details, can only suggest uninstalling and then try to install again. Let us know how it goes.

I just tried fully uninstalling the Beatbuddy bundle and reinstalling. Unfortunately this hasn’t fixed it and the same problem occurrs when I first open the Beatbuddy Manager. There don’t seem to be any problems with opening songs.

@aashideacon[/USER] and [USER=56]@BeatBuddy Support will have to weigh in to help.

I will be sending you an email with details on a phone support session. I would like to see what is happening on your end.

I’m also having trouble installing the 1.6.4 from a 1.5. I have a pc and uninstalled the old programs but the new one still won’t load up, any suggestions? not that great on computers