BeatBuddy Manager Goes Open Source: What this Means for Users, Our Development Priorities, and How You Can Get Involved

I succeeded in building and running BBManagerLean on Ubuntu 18.04.

Unfortunately I do not have a BB, so I can not really go any further, but if anyone is interested I just had to install some dependencies, tweak just a little bit the build and patch only one file…

My C++ is clearly rusty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: , but the sole fact that despite that I have been able to successfully build and run it shows that the code is well done and organized. Congrats :+1: well done guys


I would be very interested, it’d be great to put up the instructions on how to achieve this. Consider documenting the process and opening a PR

Nice one.

I was trying to set up to build on windows but getting errors in the standard library header files using MSVC. I’ll keep trying!

@iajrz @julissadantes

This is the Pull Request to add Ubuntu as build target.

Again I do not have a BB, so apart from running the application and opening few dialog boxes, I didn’t go any further… Spoiler I’m no C++ developer.

Please provide feedback on the usefulness.

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This is super cool, I’m a new user an happy to get fast updates and fixes to issues. I noticed that there is not a “built” version of the software which for no-technical users might be a massive turn-off. Can I ask that when a new ‘master’ is added a corresponding installation package is created?
Also would it be worth updating “BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac)” to give info of where to find the latest and greatest?

Hello :wink:

Good news here! I applaud the move to make BBM open source, and better yet “support assisted” open source (not just over-the-transom open source).

Welcome to Julissa as well!

I’m sure some good things will come of this all in time.


my requests for development priorities are:

  1. every time i export a project to my sd card, i lose my BB settings. i would like these to be preserved
  2. better midi editor, or at least, instructions on how to use a different editor
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I Would also like to have any settings, tempo BPM changes that i make on the beatbuddy to be saved on the SD card in the BB, in other words, when I’m playing and i speed up or slow down a song, have that change saved on the SD Card and the when i sync the card it will keep those settings.

Now i have to remember or write down any BPM Changes and go to the manager and install them and then sync the SD card again.

I don’t know if the beatbuddy can be made to do this, but it would be great if it could!!

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Great news. How can we make proposal…

I wonder if a good way to think of this is to create a copy of the song with the current settings? That way i can change the name … and keep the original pristine. Not sure that’s worth it.

Would this require a change to the BB manager as it probably doesn’t expect any changes to the songs on the SD card?

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I miss copying/pasting an existing song the most.

I would also be nice to be able to work normally with the BB while been connected by USB.


Excuse my ignorance but does open source mean others can work on the software? If so this is a fantastic idea as the BB Manager has always been the achilles heal of the BB in my eyes. The BB is such a powerful tool to have this updated would be a major plus in my eyes. I just want to see more ‘basic’ features in the editor, cut & paste, split songs into parts etc. It could be such a strong part of the BB experience. I wish i had the knowledge to try some myself but i’m relying on others.

And welcome Julissa!

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Please follow the instructions and open an issue so we can help you and fix the docs as needed, we want everyone to be able to get a build of the BBM running on their computer!

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As you may know, the PR was accepted and merged. It doesn’t affect the other OS builds, we’re looking good as far as building goes.

@mikemcleodmusic we’re definitely going to work on quality of life improvements. First there’s a feature we’ve just stabilized, now we’re focused on finding, cataloguing and patching bugs, as well as developing a thorough testing procedure to make sure we don’t suffer regressions when getting new stuff in.

@churchman I agree that’s a nice feature! I think it’s at least partially in. I’ll look into it, but look at the previous paragraph: we’re focused on producing a stabilized, baseline version of the program first!

@jrsam you can make all proposals you want :wink: worst case scenario is we won’t be able to build it – but if you never suggest it, odds are it won’t be included anyway, so nothing to lose!

@Neil_McCann This means, yes, everyone can work on the software. You can go to the repo right now (, download the code and compile it using the instructions. I’d not do that in a computer where I’m using the standard BBM, though, because this is a version in development and by its very nature, therefore, unstable.

@quad & @alexicon those are good quality of life features, too – something to look forward to in the future.


I know this is a long shot, but here’s an added feature to develope!!

Have a ytube access in the manager, play a song from ytube and the manager picks the best match from the list of songs in the manager.
It would be a perfect song matching tool!!

Riffstation use to do this, use ytube, play a video and in a few seconds give the lyrics with the chords. It was great and free until Fender bought it and shut it down.


It is a long shot when you put it that way.

We do have a human song matcher, though.

You can go to and suggest a beat and BPM for songs you know, or ask about a song you don’t know (which you don’t know and want to see there) and we have a drummer who will listen to the song and try to match it with the beat that most resembles the song.

We have over 900 songs already registered in the tool.

A fair amount (about half?) of the songs in this tool are premium beats.

Looks like there is no way for an entry in this tool to recommend both premium beats and standard beats? That’s a shame because over time the hard work of determining the standard beats for songs is lost as new premium beats are added.

I get that SS has a business to run and they should promote their premium content. There are some valid reasons for wanting the matcher to also include standard beats when there is a premium beat (other than just being cheap): Standard beats are built in and quickly usable (versus download and install), other members of your band have access to them for practice, less dependence on a custom drum set, premium beats are not supported on bb mini and mini 2, etc.

If a song has both a premium beat and a normal beat, it can get two lines. Past work doesn’t get lost. In fact so much so that until recently we didn’t even give the drummer the ability to remove a beat they added.

The number of premium beats is closer to 1/3rd of the listed songs than 1/2, and the proportion is going to continue growing in favor of standard beats, but I get your meaning.

The more you request and share known settings with us, the more it’s going to lean towards standard beats.