Offline version of Beat Buddy Manager

Anyone know if there is an offline version of the Beat Buddy Manager, and could point me in the right direction on how to find it. It is no longer in the main support downloads page of the product website.

I recently upgraded my computer and need the offline version of the software. Thanks.

BeatBuddy Manager 1.64 Legacy

So far there is only an online version of the new manager.
Whether there will be an offline version is completely unknown.
Many users are hoping for it. Until then, you can only use the old BBM offline.

Hi there,

the BBMO is the new and improved version of the BeatBuddy Manager and is the only supported application for managing the BeatBuddy content. It is a web app and can only be accessed using a supported browser (Chrome, Edge, Arc)

You are free to still use BBM Legacy or the BeatBuddy Loader, but we do not advise using them for editing the content and suggest trying out the new BBMO

Read more about it here:

You will always be able to access the legacy version of the BeatBuddy Manager here on the forum.

For me it’s not really a matter of choice. I don’t have Wi-Fi or Internet at my office studio. So legacy app it will be.


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Brennan, Is there a comparison list or chart of how BBMO is ‘improved’ over BBM and Loader (‘what can I do with BBMO that I can’t with BBM/Loader?’)?