Beatbuddy Manager online cant see Project File

I dont know if this is a Windows 11 issue or what, but I recently revived my Beatbuddy to use
again, and now we are online with the manager.

I copy my SD onto the desktop. From windows explorer I can see my Beatbuddy Project file (bbp).
When I click on the same folder to open from the online manager, the bbp file is nowhere to be seen.

Im sure I am making a stupid error, any help would be super!

Others can correct if I’m mistaken but I believe for security reasons you must insert the project into a folder that is not the desktop :thinking:

The folder can be within desktop :relieved:

Seldom use BBMO, but just fired up my Win11 PC where I have it (using Chrome for BBMO). A folder containing the ‘bbp’ file and all associated files for the project opens both from the desktop and also a folder residing on my drive D:. The files do need to be in a folder as BBMO is asking to load the folder where the files are and the desktop wouldn’t be considered a folder (I don’t think).
If all the files are on the desktop and not in a folder, just create a folder on the desktop and move the files into it. It should work then unless there are other issues.

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Thanks for the tips. Mysteriously now seems to open, without having changed anything. Hopefully does not reapear; could have been something as simple as a slow connection to the Manager server (?).