BeatBuddy Master File Location - Can It Be Dropbox for BBMO?

Can I make my BB master file location a cloud location such as Dropbox?

Then I could use multiple computers to manage my BB content?

I assume the original desktop BB Manager required the user to pick a “Workspace” location as master file and that had to be a file located on the computer.

Since this new BBMO is browser/web based, that would be great if the BB master file could be centralized in a cloud service folder.


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If nothing else, with some cloud storages you can synchronise folders and then you should be able to use that folder also with BBMO :thinking::relieved:

The simple answer is “yes” you can. There is a caveat though: some Apple users reported that when storing their BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) project or content on the iCloud, that there was latency which caused some data transfer problems, particularly with exporting a project to iCloud or synchronizing from iCloud to their SD card.

This shouldn’t be a problem when using the BBMO. I have stored projects on both Dropbox and iCloud and have had no issues when synchronizing my project to my local SD card. YMMV and it would be interesting to hear about your experience when using cloud based storage for your master folder. It wouldn’t hurt to keep a backup of your project folder on your computer.

Thanks persist, tried Dropbox and working great.

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