Beatbuddy mini 2 help

I am a complete newbie. A song I was looking at states for BeatBuddy Mini2: Brushes 1 -Str 8 under the Rock genre. What does that mean and how do you set up the mini 2 to play that setting.

Look under the brush genre and it should be listed.

Thank Wayne. Still not sure what Str-8 means. I don’t see that.

I imagine it is a shorthand for “straight”, like straight 8th notes

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I finally figured it out I had the same problem. All of the beat Buddy mini 2 songs have a name on them on the song list that you can’t see on the actual mini 2. If you go to the singular sound song list and click on the link on the song that says “default library” you’ll see all the names. The beat Buddy mini 2 just shows “Brushes 1” but the list displays the “brushes 1: str8” like the song list shows. It was driving me nuts none of the other answers or comments mention it. Basically just ignore what’s after the genre and number… Another example is a boy named Sue shows Country 2: Train Shuffle.“. but the device just shows” country 2". I don’t know if this link will work but it’s what’s on the song list I tried to paste it here. I can’t vouch for the accuracy, like I don’t see “bonus” on there nor have I seen “voice” on my device, but I think I figured it out with the whole ‘name’ thing at least.

I might edit this from my PC and put screenshots to clarify if this makes no sense.