BeatBuddy - no glissandos or note bends possible?

Dear @BeatBuddy_Support, @BrennanSingularSound & BB users,

I created a OPB with basslines which have note bends or glissandos as part of the MIDI commands … if I export the midi file (drum + bass) it plays the tone bends & glissandos perfectly fine … if I import the midi files into BBM - the tone bends & glissandos are not audible i.e. it plays the “straight” bass line only … am I missing something or is this simply not possible?

All the Best & many thanks in advance,

The BeatBuddy (BB) was created, developed and supported for drums. It was never intended to play bass guitar and instruments other than drums.

The use of instruments other than drums was a user-created hack of the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and BB.

This means the short answer is “no, the BB system cannot presently process tone bends.“

This is just my unqualified opinion but unless Singular Sound is developing a totally new capability for this system, it’s doubtful it ever will be supported.

Cheers @persist,

Understood - thought that might be the case - no worries I’ll find a workaround :slightly_smiling_face:


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Let us know what you find as this may be helpful to others with the same question.

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