Beatbuddy2 remote stopped working

Opened remote pedal, all connections are ok but pedal button do not work. Neithet pPause nor Cymbal… Question? If one socket is defective, does it affect both buttons.
Can problem be in main Beatbuddy pedal.
Note …. using trs cable which has been verified.All was working fine one day and the next day not. Noticed that the pause button was loose and tightenned… Maybe this button is defective?

It might as they share the same ground connection :thinking: However I’m not professional in this regard and do not know how BB reads the two signals :sweat_smile:

Of course it can :face_with_peeking_eye::grimacing:

That could be related or just coincidence :face_with_peeking_eye:

I don’t know if I helped you at all but hopefully you get yours fixed/back to working :relieved:

It’s possible that when you tightened the external nut that you also twisted the switch. If the connecting wires were loose, this twisting might have broken the connection. You can remove the bottom plate of the remote foot switch and inspect the wiring. If you have a soldering iron, you can connect and solder the wires. You can always test the switches, wires and TRS cable with a multimeter.

If you find that the switches are bad, you can always buy new ones and replace them. If you have to pay somebody to do it, it might be less expensive to just replace the remote foot switch.

If your pedal otherwise works fine with the remote foot switch disconnected, it’s not likely a problem with your pedal. Just to be be sure, check that the TRS patch cable is firmly seated and that you can feel the catch of the cable tip with the port.