Black Metal Blast Beat Request

Hi,I play Black Metal,a simple very fast,then medium blast beat is needed for me to play my two songs,anyone tried one of those beats yet,Beat Buddy is an awesome pedal and those beats would make it uber radical.Lets blast it!.

I would very much like to see this posted too.

I can program drums and will try and get some midi editing software, or export something from Guitar Pro, if nobody comes back soon :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for your reply…sounds great that you maybe could program some!,I found some midi loops mapped to BB and the packs include those blast beats so needed for extreme metal,here are some links ,one is the complete metal pack,and the other is what I tried first which is a beatbuddy mapped demo pack with all styles including metal,I have my beat buddy all programmed with a set that I used with the metal pack and the manager software to make a folder for live shows

Awesome, my BeatBuddy arrived today and within minutes I came here with this exact question. Managed to make something with those freebie samples, so thank you for the tip! Now it’s time to mindlessly tremolo pick Phrygian dominant scales over blastbeats for a few hours. :smiley:

Would either of you be kind enough to export and post the actual beatbuddy file for me?
I will share my attempts once done :slight_smile:
Many thanks Belita for the links you already posted!

I posted some custom personal BM songs in the ressource section.
There s a DSBM one, as an atmo, but the real stuff you should want to try out is the Raw Black Metal song.

Groove monkee is a great resource.
Get on their mailing list. They offer percentage off coupons about bi monthly. A couple of times a year they have some pretty crazy sales, I purchased one of their larger packs. Some of their stuff is already formatted for the BB which is super convenient, otherwise it’s not to hard to manually create a BB song.