Tested using macOS 15.1, Vivaldi and Google Chrome (Arc still not working with BBMO)
How to reproduce the bug:
Create a new song in the BBMO, name it, set the tempo, import a MIDI to Intro and Save Project
Duplicate the song
Move the song (note, you can recreate the bug by creating a new song and then moving it)
Go to any other song in the BBMO
Try to return to the duplicated song
BBMO will not select the song; cannot perform any function from the 3-dot menu; here’s the error message displayed
Undo will not work
Workaround is to quit (Leave) the project without saving
If project is saved with the corrupt duplicate and then opened in the BBM 1.6.6c, the BBM displays
Another workaround is to delete the duplicated song using the BBM and saving the project.
If the song is corrupted in the BBMO, you might not be able to move it in your Play List.
I tried opening my project with a corrupt song file in the BBM (hoping to have been able to move it) but the BBM treated it as corrupt. I was able to delete it from the BBM though.
Thank you for reaching out! I’ve sent this to the dev team. They are currently overwhelmed with requests, but they will take a look at it. If you encounter any issues, please email support@singularsound.com directly.
How about wishing for an early Christmas gift from the dev team, BBMO 1.5.1+ with these and other bugs fixed? Could it happen? Fingers crossed in hope.