Bug : "midi song select parameters is used in another song"

When I save a song that is already set with a midi song select value, the aeros don’t allow me to save it and it says “midi song select parameters is used in another song - Change it before saving”
But there is no other sond with this value of midi song select parameters ! The song is on conflict with himself !
So I have to change the value, save the song, and then edit again the midi song select parameter to put back the original value, and save the song a second time…
a bit annoying…

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Hey there,

is there a specific value it doesn’t let you set it to?

Let me know, thanks for reporting!

I’ll make an example, maybe it’s more clear :
I create a new song, I choose “midi MSB bank”=0 and “Midi PC”=1. I save it.
Now I change some parameters (for example the name of the song) and when I want to save the song, the aeros don’t allow me to save it and it says “midi song select parameters is used in another song - Change it before saving”.
So I have to change MSB Bank to an other value (for exemple 3), save the song (The aeros allow me to save it now because there is no other song with the value “midi MSB bank”=3 and “Midi PC”=1) Then I have to edit again the midi song select parameter to put back the original value (“midi MSB bank”=0 and “Midi PC”=1), and save the song a second time…

So no, there is not a specific value it let me set it to. I can set it to anything but the actual value…

So, to further clarify, the issue is when editing the song with the specific number attached to it, if you do not edit the song this doesn’t happen?

Let me know thanks!

the issue is when saving a song that already have a MSB Bank value.
so in order to save the song I have to bypass the bug by changing the MSB value to an other one that is not used in an other song, then save it, then put back the original MSB bank value, and then save it again.

Ok, but this doesn’t happen if you make a new song from scratch and set MSB and PC?

No, when I make a new song from scratch and set MSB and PC I can save it without problem.
But if I try to save the song a second time, the message appears that ask me to change the midi song select parameter before to save it.

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Thanks for the info will get back on this!

Same problem happening here. Whenever I want to make an edit to a song that has already been saved previously, Eros doesn’t allow it, saying: “mídi song select parameters are used in another song”. Then I have to edit the song select media to be able to save it.

Having the same issue…found the work around by changing the MSB, saving, change MSB back and saving again. But not ideal

We will look into this and will fix in next release likely!

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Ho yeah ! Thanks !

do you know if this was fixed in the update that was just released? Thanks!

I was not seeing this bug on my end so I was hoping a customer would chime in if they still saw it, otherwise it is considered fixed

yes, it seems to be resolved ! thank you !

This is still happening for me in 5.1.1 … are you using 5.2?

not fixed in 5.1.1

can’t fix/edit any songs that have already been recorded… kind of a big issue… hopefully fixed in 5.2 (and the slow-load fixed, too!)… kinda dead in the water for adding new songs for now.


Hi there,

We believe it is fixed in 5.2.0, it is a very stable release, if you would like to try it.

A new version of the beta (5.2.1) with some minor fixes will be out soon, and likely on wifi not long after

Thanks for your question

hi - awesome! the error seems to be gone and the loading time is about the same as the prior version- woo hoo!!! thanks for fixing!!!

Yes it’s fixed ! thank you !