Building setlists when building set lists.... is my first song in the first set list supposed to be MIDI: 0.0: 1 or MIDI: 0.0: 0

When building set lists… is my first song in the first set list supposed to be MIDI: 0.0: 1 or
MIDI: 0.0: 0.? I’ve heard conflicting info on this. Thank you

All zeroes. Most programs start midi counting at zero, some start at 1. If the MSB/LSB numbers are both zeroes, as opposed to a zero and 1, then the song number should be a zero, too. If you are using OnSong, it’s all zeroes for the first song. I am not familiar with the midi commands in the other setlist programs.

I have my set list starting with 0 for the first song in OnSong. Can you tell me why it is when I go to my list of songs and pick a song it (BB) sometimes(a lot) goes to the first song in my set instead of the song I selected. (OnSong has the right song displayed but my BB has the 1st in set displayed)

Is your set list the first folder in your Songs list in BB Manager?

Also, in OnSong, each song needs to have its unique Midi ID in the song’s header. And, each song in your set list needs to be accounted for. Example, you have 5 songs on your set list folder on BB. In OnSong, you make a set list with three of these songs, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th. Your OnSong midi commands, would call up 0.0: 0, 0.0: 2 and 0.0: 4. Also, check in your OnSong settings, as there is a setting that will use a 1 through 128 midi range, rather than a 0 through 127 midi range.