Can someone from Support PLEASE answer a request?

Sent two now to support email, as well as hints on other threads - sent to the support team re the new gold edition maestro and a purchase, however no-one is responding. Sent well over a week ago!!

Sorry to have to post here, but sending repeated emails to a non replying service is a waste of time when I am trying to move forward :rage:

If you’re inquiring about a shipping status on the AEROS Gold, it is most likely due to that they are not presently in stock. I don’t know when they’ll get a new shipment from the manufacturer but Singular Sound is very good about letting the buyer know when a product has shipped.

Sort of, question was about availability in Australia not necessarily shipping status - I can buy it already from the shop, however shipping down here is horrendous, especially given the exchange rates - hence the question to them re Oz availability.

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