BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) Virtual Machine

Persist; you are a moderator and I don’t know how to make this request, and get it to the right eyes; but I have one (kinda new; learning how to use Beat Buddy Live; cool so far).

Request; In Bead Buddy Manager Software, it would be really, really better if the Beat Buddy Virtual machine (upper left of view) behaved just like I have mine configured (especially when it is connected to my Mac)… Seems that THAT virtual machine is a default, and does not behave how I have mine configured… (example: foot switch #1 button (left) is always set to “Play Accent Hint”)…

Can’t seem to figure out how to get the Virtual and Actual configs to match (is there something I’m missing? Is there a bug for which I am unaware?)…

I moved your post to a new thread for a feature request.

I don’t think the BBM Virtual Machine was ever designed to mirror the layout and functions of the. BeatBuddy (BB) pedal and therefore the Virtual Machine is not configurable

Yes, probably, cause it’s an emulator… but I’m pretty sure it’s possible; I imagine it’s not stored on the SD card, but maybe it is? (I don’t know);

Or if it can’t be read from the device, then let us users configure it ourselves in the Manager app. (can’t be that hard… that’s what I do in my day job… write software… I’m pretty sure it CAN be done).

One up for this. It would be great if we could configure it ourselves for our individual use cases.