Can you please clarify the 500 MIDI note limitation.

Greetings, I’m soon to have a BB arrive next week, so I’ve been watching videos, tutorials, reading forum posts, etc. something I’m not specifically clear about is the 500 MIDI note limit.

Does the note limit apply to an entire song (meaning, all its individual parts, Intro/Verse/Chorus/Outro)?


Does the note limit apply to each of the individual parts of the song? In other words:
Intro: can have up to 500 notes
Verse: can have up to 500 notes
Chorus: can have up to 500 notes

You get the general idea. I did download the BB Manager software and tried to import a full length MIDI drum track (MIDI drums notes only, no other MIDI parts were included) and the BB software displayed an error message saying that it could not import the .mid file because it contained over 500 notes. I was impressed that the BB lets you know that. So that’s what got me thinking about the 500 note limit. If it was a total note limit of all song parts combined or if it was applied to each of the parts individually.

Thanks for any help you can give me. I’m looking forward to the BB. I definitely see it has GREAT potential to do so much more than it currently does with firmware updates. So it’s kinda exciting to see what will unfold in the months to come.


The limit is for each part. So exactly how you have written it

Intro: can have up to 500 notes
Verse: can have up to 500 notes
Chorus: can have up to 500 notes

As far as I’ve encountered the limit is per part.

Also, the limitation is only on “note-on” events. All others are ignored.

The limits per midi file added. So any midi file in any section including fills and transitions can be a maximum of 500 midi events.

The limit is 500 Note On events per midi file that is used for a BeatBuddy song part.