Cant paste backing track to aeros backing track folder?

Hi - have done this before, but not working today. I have a 24 bit wav file on MacBook. I have created new song on aeros. I see the backing tracks folder on aeros sd card. how do I get the wav file onto the card? I copied the file, but no paste option when go to the sd card baking tracks folder. I checked and the SD card is definitely unlocked.

Hey there,

I’d say reach out to so they can assist if you’d like, this seems more like a computer question than a device question.

I will at least impart this:

  • Try right clicking and selecting paste from the pop up menu
  • Try dragging and dropping the file instead of copy paste
  • After copying, open the Backing Tracks folder by double clicking it and once the window opens use Cntrl + V (windows) / Cmd + V (Mac) to paste it into the folder

Thanks for the question best of luck!