The manual says:
Accent-Hit (CC-110)
Enable:The Beatbuddy will play the current song part accent hit each time it receives the Accent-HIT MIDI message.
You can control the volume of the accent hit by changing the value of the message ranging from 0 to 127.
However, the BB seems NOT to be responding to any value in-between 0-127. All values above 0 sounds at the same volume than 127.
So I’m writing this lines in the hope someone can answer if this could be a firmware Bug, or if it’s related to some Config parameters that I do not know.
Please don’t bump your threads. If anyone has the answer, they’ll respond as they find the time. You also posted the fact that nobody has answered your issue in a post to a different thread.
I’ll delete this bump in a couple of hours.
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Hey there,
sorry I must’ve missed this, yes this is a known bug but it is fixed in the currently tested version so the next release will solve this issue.
Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you very much, Brennan, I really appreciate your clarification. And above all, your prompt intention to fix it.
I would like to suggest adding an extra CC to select accents from the EFFECTS folder. 128 values to choose would be awesome.
This would also open up new possibilities, starting with using accents to trigger different one-shot samples in different parts of the song without needing to edit a drum set to do so.
Best way to make sure it gets done is by making a suggestion in an appropriate place!
BUG FIXED (Firmware 3.9.0)
Hey no need to mark as the solution, that is for other purposes, thank you for making a comment, I will tag as #fixed