Celtic kit

Would love a Celtic style kit and beats to go with it, (Mumford and sons, rend collective) can anyone sort it as midi has me baffled.

The pedal is ace and now I have my head round the software I can chop and change beats and create set lists.

A Celtic kit would be great but that would require samples, for now we can make the beats using midi files. I will probably make some suitable for “Come now is the time to worship”, “Jesus be the centre” and “Jesus all for Jesus”, eventually - but I have no requirement for them yet and it can take some time to make them.

I’ve just recently started to wrap my head around midi, so if you tell me what exactly you’re looking for in terms of a celtic sound I might try to come up with something. No promises, but it might be a fun project for me.

Thanks shawn, below are some links to the kinds of things I’m after. It may not need a new kit, but these sort of beats would be useful.






We’ll put Celtic kit on our “To Make” list!

What about a ceili band groove jigs reels hornpipes. Would be very useful this side of the pond. Drumstick intro pleaseeeee. Beat buddy due today or tomorrow. Thanks in anticipation.

Totally agree! Celtic Styles in general:
instrumentation to resemble bodhran and heavy kicks. Definitely 4/4, 6/8, 3/4 time sigs.
Bands to emulate: Flogging Molly, Gaelic Storm, Pogues, Mumford and Sons (early) etc.
Would be GREATLY appreciated!


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We’ll definitely be buying one of these if you manage that!
Particularly interested in 4/4 and 6/8 bodhran rhythms but experimenting with full kit sounds like fun.


I’d definitely love to see a kit with a bodhran… However, for the time being I’m using full kits and cajon kits for my Celtic rock set.

Beat Buddy is my new best friend.

A Celtic set that can do Mary Black kinda stuff would be great.

Looking forward to a Celtic kit (especially bodhran)! Badly needed!

Any news on those celtic beats?

Something like this… or the ones above.
There’s ovbviously not a massive take up for this, so no official beats coming out, but if someone could help that would be great.

I am afraid that there isn’t enough interest at the moment to justify creating this kit. We’ve had a couple of releases that were based on only a few requests and they were a loss to us. We have to make sure that there is enough demand before we embark on creating particular drum set or beats package.

I purchased the mallet kit you can do some cool stuff with that

If there are midi’s for any of the songs/beats you want to do, please request them and post with links. It’s probably best if I could get a midi and the song to hear what’s going on. I must have bodrhans samples somewhere in my collection, and I am vaguely familiar with Celtic music from my international folk dancing days. The problem with some of the praise songs that were posted was that a) they didn’t sound like what I consider to be Celtic music, and b) the percussion parts were not very discernable. I think a good deal could be done with the cajon kit, maybe with a bodrhans sample added. What would be the desired instrumentation for a Celtic kit? Listening again, I hear a kick drum, a washboard, a tambourine, what look like drumstick strikes to a washtub. Is there more? I have most of that in kits. Now beats, that’s a separate issue, and that’s where the midis come in to play. And by the way, if any of you have Steeleye Span songbooks that you would want to scan and get me a PDF as compensation for this effort, I would be most grateful.

Confirmed, I got Bodrhan samples, Also such goodies as Celtic hammered dulcimer, tin flute, Celtic harp. What bass instrument is used? I am getting kit ideas, actually, maybe 3 kit ideas.

I’ve been using a cajon kit for stuff like Mumford & Sons.
I keep it pretty simple with bass drum and tambourine or shaker.
Keeps the beat going but allows the guitar and voice to be the focal point.