Cissy Strut DOP, OPB

The Meters

Notes: Starts on the 4th hit of the HH count-in

Suggested kit(s): both versions use the NP StdPBass 63-91

Includes: 2 songs and MIDI source file

Cissy Strut (The Meters).zip (13.4 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong , good or bad does not exist.


What a great Song you’ve designed, just like “Zigaboo’s” drumming on it. But, how can I get it onto my BB? I have the BB manager up and running, tried tutorials but it doesn’t load onto card… Help ,please.


Unzip the file with the song.

Use the BBM > File > Import > Song

Search forum for drum set; download, unzip, import & activate. Save project.

If you have not previously exported project from BBM to SD card, do so now and accept prompt to synchronize.

If you have not done so yet, review the BBM Quick Start guide and User Manual.