Cleaning Volume Knob


Is it possible to perform some type of cleaning on the volume knob? The pedal I currently have is the second unit I buy, since the first one had the same exact issue, after a while of using it the volume changes by itself going up and down randomly by a few percentage numbers, but after a while, it goes from about 75% all the way up to 100%. This obviously causes undesired volume changes :confused: and headaches :mad:

I use the pedal indoors 5 days a week, as I have gigs in small restaurants and coffee shops, and it may get a little dust in it once in a while.

I do not want to be replacing my unit every year for this, so I want to see if somebody has had a similar issue, and how they dealt with it, without having to send the unit back and get a replacement. :frowning:

Thanks for your help!

I think this is more of an electronic issue so I’m not sure this is a mechanical problem however, since the volume knob appears to be a potentiometer, try removing the knob and then spraying some DeoxIT on the shaft. The trick is to get the spray so it goes down the shaft and into the inner workings of the pot (and not all over everything else). I try to fit a metric socket over the top of the shaft (this may not work on this pedal due to the size), insert the spray tip from the DeoxIT into the socket so it touches the shaft and then gently pump the DeoxIT canister a couple of times. Do not overdo it. Rotate the shaft back and forth to work it in. Make sure the knob is firmly attached to the shaft but don’t over tighten it.

Let us know how it turns out.

Zombie thread but I’m having the same problem. Deoxit works for a little bit but the problem returns within minutes. The menus are not accessible while the volume is flickering.

Before I take it apart, can I send it in for repair? The warranty is long since expired. I bought it used and it worked fine for years.

Thanks and Happy New Year

Singular Sound does not offer a repair service so you’ll have to take it in to an independent repair shop.

You can try disassembling and checking for bad solder joints and connections but beyond that, not sure what else to suggest.

For what it’s going to cost to repair, you’d be better off asking if they will offer a trade-in on a refurbished pedal.

If you do get it repaired, please let us know what was wrong.

Back in the day pots came in either a resistive strip type or wound wire. I assume they still do. The resistive strips were cheaper and wore out. Not much you can do with those. The wire wound were good but dust between the wiper and the wire coil could cause issues and could be washed out with electonics cleaners.

Pots are pretty standard things so if you get the matching type from its part number, or got the same characteristics but in a good quality wire wound unit, and know how to solder, you could fix it yourself. If you are just going to throw it anyway not much to lose.

This video will show you how to disassemble your pedal if that’s what you want to try. It shows you how to replace the main rocker switch (which isn’t what you want) but this will get you or your repair shop into the guts of the pedal to start the volume pot replacement.

Don’t do this if your pedal is still under warranty. Let your vendor help you out. the user, MunicipalMan has made some tutorials and nice contributions.