Click track accent, trigger loops on beat rather than bar

is there a way to remove the accent on the click track (highlights the 1 in the 4 count)
I would like the count to be steady so I can trigger a loop on any beat, not the top of a measure.

Hi there, you would have to create a custom click and use the same sound for both the stressed and unstressed custom click options. Any mono 16 bit 44.1kHz PCM formatted wav files will do

thank you. to clarify,
I can edit the sounds of the actual metronome by uploading audio files? Where do I drop the audio?

is there a setting that will allow the loop to start when I click it vs waiting for the next measure?

or are you saying create a click track in DAW and upload it to a track? In this case I wouldn’t be able to route it to the aux jack only correct? I would need the click to not be in the house sound.

appreciate the help!

Hey there, sorry I did forget the big caveat that it is only available as a feature in Aeros beta 5.2.0, but that version is very stable if you’d like to try it.

You can read about setting the custom click track in 5.2.0 here

Thanks for the question!

got it, thank you.
but this won’t change the 2nd part of the question right?
Is there a setting to make the loop start on the beat, or immediately, rather than waiting for the start of the next measure?

Hey, not sure I get what you’re asking here

The click sounds are customizable and the click can be routed the same way even if the sounds are custom, no you would not have to import the click into a track