Click track on song load / start click without starting backing track

how do I start the click track without starting the backing track?

ideally I would like the click track running constantly from song load. In LoopyHD there’s a setting that just starts the click when you load a song and this is very valuable.

If it’s not able to start on load, how do I start the click without triggering the backing track? as it is now the only way I can figure out how to start the click is w/ the play button, but this also starts the backing track.

I would like the click running to the drummer, so he can play, and be able to start the track at will, rather than a predefined count in.


Hey there,

Unfortunately, this is a can’t eat your cake and have it too kind of situation. The Click only plays back while the Aeros is currently playing or scrolling through an empty part. You can set the amount in the count in, but you can’t have an indefinite count in while also not playing back the track that is there.

You could choose to mute the track and start the count in but that won’t let you unmute the track immediately at the start point.

Why not make a second part that is filled with a silent track for one measure (you don’t record audio to it just record silence) that has the count for you and then switch to the backing track part when you’re ready?

You will have to find some sort of workaround for this one