Hi-I am having trouble connecting the Beat Buddy to the Sheeran looper plus. It’s not in sync with the looper. I saw a video on how to connect the Beat Buddy to the Sheeran Looper X, but the Plus is different. The manual says that I have to place the Beat buddy after the looper, but when I do this, the Looper does not read the Beat buddy. when I put it in front of the Looper, when the looper plays back, the Beat buddy does not mute, so it clashes with the looper. how do I sync these two?
So for audio BB is typically last and I see no difference here either, but for midi BB has to be the master for other devices to sync with BB
BB can also be slave if the other device sends midi clock
But the big question is that does the looper support time signatures etc? So is it aware where it should cut/stitch the loop
Thanks for the input, but if the Beat Buddy is last, how does the Looper read it? If it goes before the Looper, it’s read, but the BB isn’t read if its after. The Looper has a Midi Clock which I turned on, but the looper does not support time signatures to my knowledge.
Hi, I am newcomer in combining BB (10th Anniv.) midi clock with Sheeran Looper+.
I have difficulties to synchronise both : still do not understand how to make a proper loop using midi clock (I often get a delay correponding to the beat).
So I decided to set BB starts the loop of SL+ using MIDI signal
Standard setting is the midi sync start from the intro, I changed this parameter to send the midi signal from the first beat :
Main Beat: BeatBuddy sends out the MIDI Start command when the*
main beat starts playing after the intro has finished. This is a great way to
start right on time.
It seems it didn’t work properly :
I start the loop, and as I wanted : SL+ is waiting for MIDI signal from BB to start the loop : OK
I start the intro, and the loop start start during the intro (I can see midi icon “flashing” during the intro.
Does someone have same behavior ?
I clearly see the SL+ is receiving Midi signal during intro despite having correctly set “Main Beat”.
Thanks for you help
(Firmware : 4.1.6)
Which midi signal it’s waiting for?
The BB setting is for midi start signal but there are many other midi signals/commands BB could be sending
Thanks aapo,
I am only talking about midi clock.
SL+ is set to start first loop when receiving the first midi clock from external device (i.e. BB)
Reading the manual of BB :
● Intro: BeatBuddy sends out the MIDI Start command at the
beginning of the intro. Please note that if the intro is less than a
full bar long, this setting may confuse your other devices and
cause them to play out of time.
● Main Beat: BeatBuddy sends out the MIDI Start command when
the main beat starts playing after the intro has finished.
● Disable: BeatBuddy never sends out the MIDI Start command.
So by selecting ‘Main Beat’, the first midi clock should be receive after the intro.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, the loop start during the intro (maybe on 2nd Beat).
and I can clearly see ‘midi icon’ of SL+ blinking during the intro.
Hope my explanations are clear
PS : is there a way to set midi clock with the mesure and not the beat ?
This would be sufficient when using a looper (maybe helpful to synchronise)
Manual page 45 says that BB has following midi out settings for midi clock:
- Always On*: BeatBuddy always sends out the MIDI tempo clock evenwhen it is not playing. This is useful for when you want your MIDI tempobased devices such as loopers or delay, to play to a certain tempo but youdon’t want to have drums playing while you do it.
- While Playing: BeatBuddy only sends out MIDI tempo clock while it isplaying drums. This is good for when you want your other devices to onlyfollow the BeatBuddy’s tempo while the drums are playing.
- Disable: BeatBuddy does not send out MIDI tempo clock.
This means that there is no way to start the midi clock after the intro, unfortunately
The Sheeran looper is a headrush looper board basically