Convert a .wav to .mid ???

One more question, somewhat related but not really.

The simple midi beats I’ve created and added to songs are a bit lower (in volume) than the BB midis that comprise most of the song. Can that be adjusted/raised?

Yes. You need to raise the velocity of the mid notes. BB does not respond to midi volume, but it does respond to velocity, (i.e. how hard the note is hit.)

Discovery…in Anvil, there is a slider for “volume” of each note that you enter in the tabliture which allows each note to be set at a different volume if you so desire. It defaults to 50, which comes through on the BB as lower than the pre-programmed midi’s. After some experimentation with this slider (which allows a range of 1 to 100), it seems that 80 is equivalent to the BB midi’s.

I understand that the terminology (volume) is not exactly accurate but that’s what Anvil calls it and it solved my volume discrepancy issue.