Ok, terminology lesson. BB plays midi files. Midi files have no sounds. The file triggers a sound in a midi sound module, which is what the BB is. In Anvil, you create a file using what is known as the General Midi drum map. See the attached file. As you can see, in that standard, claves are at midi 75 and cabasa is at midi 69. If you create a midi file in Anvil with notes intended for claves and cabasa, you are placing notes at midi 69 and 75.
Now, those of us who make drumkits for the BB do not always follow that General Midi standard. As far as I recall, kits made by GarryA usually follow the standard fairly closely. I tend to follow the standard up through Midi note 59, sometimes up to 71, and I make a guide to my kits that tells where the notes are mapped. The NP Standard Bass 63-91 has bass notes programmed at midi 63-91. That, obviously conflicts with the drum tones in the general midi standard from 63 through 81, and it why your file sounds like Close Encounters. Your are playing bass notes. To still provide some of those tones in the General Midi kit that were, essentially, covered up by the bass, the creator of that kit remapped those tones to midi 10 through 27.
Different makers of midi sound modules have their own sounds. So claves in one sound module will likely sound a little different from claves in another sounds module, i.e., Roland vs. Yamaha vs. Korg, etc. But if, the maker follows the general midi standard, the claves will be at midi 75.
Simply put, users who created BB Drum kits do not follow the General Midi standard, so you have three choices, if you want to use midi drum parts you create in Anvil. 1- You can use a drum kit that follows the General Midi Standard. Try this kit:
2- You can edit your midi file to match the drum kit that you want to use. If you want to use NP Standard Bass 63-91 kit, you will need to move any of the notes in your midi file above D3 to the locations that match the corresponding instruments in the list up above in post #8.
3- You can edit or create a drumkit to match the mapping from Anvil. With the NP Standard Bass 63-9, you could open the kit, then delete the bass notes one by one, then change the midi instrument for the remapped tones at 10 through 27 to their General midi locations at 63 through 81.
So, in short, what you put out of Anvil will not universally work in a BB kit, but it should work in any sound module that follows the general midi standard.