Created Folder

hey guys, I was able to create a folder through the beatbuddy manager.
While my system is connected to my computer, I am able to see the folder and some of the files that
I exported from the library on my SD card. However when I disconnect from the computer and turn
my BeatBuddy back on, I am not able to see my new folder. All the original folders that came on my
SD card are there, except my folder. I’m wondering if I had skipped a step when I exported and imported to my new file.

Make sure your SD card is not locked;
If your computer has an internal SD slot reader, use that method instead of connecting the pedal/SD card via USB;
Export your project to the card and accept the option to synchronize.

thank you!

My laptop does have an SD port but it doesn’t seem to read the card.

How can I tell if my SD card is locked?

On the left side of the card, there is a small slide and small print with an arrow pointing in the direction of the lock position. It may or not also have the word “Lock” printed on the side of the card. Push the slide switch to the front of the card to unlock.