Creating and/or copying outros

Hello all,

Read through some of the more recent topics and sad to hear about the current state of the BB manager and progression on a new version. I am not a user of Beatbuddy, but the defacto support person for my dad, who is an avid user of the product. As most report out here, the hardware is pretty awesome, no so much on the software side of things.

I am hoping someone can share a few pointers with me on the best/easiest way to get some outros into songs. Many fo the fills that are built into the various beats are a bit… spicy, and don’t lend well to using them as fills. So I suppose my questions are…

  1. Is building out your own midi outro in some other program and then getting it into Beatbuddy a total pain? I know how to create my own midi, so I’m really looking for the process to get them into Beatbuddy, in the outro of a particular song.

  2. If I do find a particular fill/intro that I want to use as an outro, it sounds like it should be possible to just browse to that midi file from the outro position within the BB manager software? I have messed around with this a bit but have been unable to find the midi file by the name that shows in the software by browsing to a bunch of different library locations. Clearly I’m missing something, so any pointers here would be awesome.

It would be awesome if there was some ‘fairly’ simple way to move the fill/intro/outro files around within the software, as my dad is an old school, guitar playing, singing musician and anything that takes any measurable amount of tech skills is going to be a challenge.

Thanks, all. Appreciate any direction you can provide.

What you want to do is to Export to MIDI…using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM). Find the Outro fill or any other song section and control-click the section. A sub-menu appears and you select Export to MIDI… Once you have the MIDI file on your desktop, you can edit it with your DAW. Avoid using the BBM MIDI Editor.

Andrew Timberlake has posted a link to his BBFF on this forum and you can give it a try to see if it makes your editing job any easier.

*Narrator: It would, in fact, make their editing job easier. Quite so to be precise!

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