Custom Mode - Can't get toggling working

Hi there,

I’m setting up my new Midi Maestro box which looks great.
I’m trying to get the same function activated/deactivated on a Eleven Rack

Example: Reverb on (CC36 value 127) - Reverb off (CC36 value 0)

Commands are fine when I assign those on different buttons but the Reverb off command don’t work as toggle command.

Any idea?

We are seeing some issues with the latest firmware on Android, we are working to fix these ASAP.

Thank you for your patience

Thanks Brennan,
I use the iOS version with the latest firmware. Is it the same problem?

Yes, unfortunately,

But these bugs are promised fixed by dev this month, stay tuned

Thank you for your patience!

So, are we wasting our time trying to set up a custom mode until the bug is fixed? And, while the manual seems very instructive, how do you allocate a CC to something, or has that been done somewhere (unknown to us) in the software? 1/113/127 doesn’t go to the next song part (just the transition) and adding 1/113/0 doesn’t help either.

Hi tERRY, try the info on this link


I’m on Android.

Cool, have a look at my RC-10R custom mode (Search under browse custom modes in the App) on page 3 it has a BB next part (Track 2–>) and page 4 a BB previous part (Track 1–>). This all works fine and it should give you an overview of using multiple midi items. Just be aware that my BB is on channel 2 so you will have to change that to match your BB midi channel in all of the commands. Hope this helps


How do you set a channel to a device?

Adding additional commands doesn’t seem to do anything other than the first command.

Try the following settings to get BB to go to the next part:

This should work fine on android.

Tried that already.

Would you mind trying it again, but start a new custom mode from scratch, creating new commands exactly like the ones above. There was a bug where the commands were not compatible between firmware revisions.

Okay but the latest custom mode I set up was using newly created commands, but I’ll try it again.

Just realised I didn’t change the button to release. Doh. Tomorrow will test (UK)

Hey there,

This is custom to every device, for more details on MIDI mapping for BeatBuddy you can look here, for the Aeros you can look below I’ll post for your convenience, your own device will have it’s own CC mapping that is likely on the internet somewhere.

Did you enable the toggle at the bottom of the page and add the commands into the button setup for both toggle states? Could you possibly take a screenshot to show us what you have going on in your commands and your Button setup screen? Thank you!

The channel is set in the command, the channel of the device is usually set on the device, BB has a known issue where it negates some commands on channels other than 1, this will be fixed very soon, we are working with a tested BB version that solves this.

Just a note: We are planning on changing the way channels are set for devices/modes in our redesign of the app, which will be a big upgrade once finished in a few months.

Current Aeros MIDI commands (as of 3.3.0)
Save Song - CC:33, value 0

  • Saves the song from the Loop Studio Screen or the Song Settings Menu.

New 2x2/6x6 Song - CC:34

  • Value 0: Starts a new 2x2 song (same settings as previously loaded 2x2 song) and enters the Loop Studio.
  • Value 1: Starts a new 6x6 song (same settings as previously loaded 6x6 song) and enters the Loop Studio

Songs List/Loop Studio - CC:35

  • Value 0: Goes to Songs List
  • Value 1: Goes to Loop Studio screen (if already in Loop Studio screen, is ignored)

Scroll Up/Down (Songs List) - CC:36

  • Value 0: Scroll down list (songs list, or otherwise if relevant)
  • Value 1: Scroll up list (songs list, or otherwise if relevant)
  • Value 2: Select (currently highlighted item in song list)

Undo/Redo (1 layer) - CC:37

  • Value 0: Undo/Redo currently selected track (6x6 mode)
  • Value 1-6: Undo/Redo track (track # = value #)

Mute - CC:38

  • Value 1-6: Mutes/Unmutes track (track # = value #)
  • Value 0 - Mutes all tracks
  • Value 127 - Unmutes all tracks

Solo and Stop - CC:39

  • Value 1-6 - Solos track (track # = value #). This behaves like a XOR solo function, only one track can be soloed at a time in a given song part.
  • Value 127 - Un-solos track, this unmutes all other tracks in song part.
  • Value 0 -: Stop all playback immediately

Record New Part - CC:40, value 0

  • Record new song part

Record New Track - CC:41, value 0

  • Record new track

Next Part - CC:102 value 0-127

  • Changes song parts in 2x2 immediately
  • In 6x6, it will change song parts if a different song part than the one currently playing is selected. Please note: This command overrides the ‘Change Parts: End of Loop’ setting.

Change Part- CC:113

  • Value 1-6 - Begin the transition to part (part # = value #) according to the Change Part setting (Immediately/End of Measure/End of Loop). If using the BeatBuddy, the CC:102 command will override this command. If the part doesn’t exist in the song, the Aeros will ignore the command.
  • Value 101-106 - Begin the transition to part (part # = value # minus 100 , so value 102 is part 2) according to the Change Part setting (Immediately/End of Measure/End of Loop). If the part doesn’t exist in the song, the Aeros will ignore the command. This allows you to send a single on-press command for changing parts. This also allows you to switch the part on the Aeros without switching parts on the BeatBuddy (which ignores values 101-106).

Screenshot - CC:127, value 127 will save a screenshot of the current Aeros screen to the SD card. Note: Must have SD card inserted in Aeros.

Managed to get my custom mode to do what I want, so that issue is resolved.

Had the Pigtronix Infinity before Aeros came out so loathe to dump something that cost over £400 for something that’s £600, so want to make use of the MM for controlling that. Have set the Infinity to channel 3 and mapped what the manual suggests is how to start and stop a loop but with no success, yet.

The channel is set in the command, the channel of the device is usually set on the device, BB has a known issue where it negates some commands on channels other than 1, this will be fixed very soon, we are working with a tested BB version that solves this.

Any chance of a Beta to do our own testing?

This is here

Ooh. Thanks.

Hi Brennan,

Any news on the toggle function not working in Custom Mode?
Do you know when the fix is going to be available?
90% of my commands are supposed to use this toggle function.


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This should be fixed very soon! Dev is working on it.