Diego B. Goode - Live Performance with the BeatBuddy

Performing Johnny B. Goode a few nights ago with my BeatBuddy!


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Rockin’ some flight of the bumblebees!

Diego was Goode in that video.

Cheers Mate. :slight_smile:

Very Goode Diego,
Nice chops Mate.
I like it a lot.


I like this cover too somebody’s has shared that song ???:wink:

Cheers Mate

did you recorded the guitar during your performance?

Hi, on some songs, yes.

Nice! Is that a Marshall JTM 30 back there?

I like the rock around that clock and bumblebee sneaked in there.

Thanks man,
I think it is a JTM 30, it belongs to the band playing after me. I plug my rig straight to the desk.