Direct track select and direct delete


I am really enjoying making music with Aeros. But right now, I am hitting the wall with handling tracks.

So here are my questions:

Is there any chance to implement direct midi track selection?
I am using a midi controller and often I need to jump to a specific track to overdub. Toggling is unprecise, slow and focus consuming…

The other thing that is driving me crazy is no direct track delete. This is a problem when I make a mistake in the overdub as you can only undo the last action.

I know you don’t want to leave track gaps but you could implement these options in such a way that

  • “direct track select” doesn’t respond if the track is non existing
  • “direct track delete” only working on the last track. Maybe you could even call it a “last track delete”. That way we could quickly erase all the tracks that went wrong and start again fresh.
    Without this option I find myself often starting the song from the beginning because of one mistake.

You could also have a global undo midi message. Undo all the recordings, one by one chronologically…

Oh and another thing,

It would be GREAT if there was additional midi command to mute/unmute certain track globally, means for all parts at the same time.

In the most arrangements I’ve built so far, I had a very consistent build up, meaning most of the tracks have the same function. If I need to move a lot between the parts it is difficult to remember e.g. if I left the track 4 in the part 3 muted or unmuted so it’s often guessing what state I will find there when I come back.

If I can decide right before the transition what the mute state will be globally then I would know what’s waiting for me around the corner because I would decide before the corner.

Kind regards,
