Distorted thru computer

Is anything happening with the distortion issue?

Is anything happening with the distortion issue?

I’m sure they are still working on this - quick question what happens if you take the audio interface out of the equation and just use the sound from your motherboard. If you do have a sound card have you increased it’s buffer size? On the video from c.granger it appears that the beatbuddy is utilising mainly one core (large spike on the left) the 50% utilisation is between both cores but one seems to be working harder that the other.

Just some thoughts.

Yeah I have the same problem. Hope they fix it. Program works great otherwise. Would be nice to audition samples and hear what they sound like so I can make my own songs UGGH

Is anything happening with the distortion issue?


I’m sure they are, however I think this is more dependant on the end users setup. I am surprised no one has come back with answers to my questions. There are many people that are not having this issue so what is the common denominator between those that do?

Is anything happening with the distortion issue?

As you are just repeating your question I will just repeat mine.

“Quick question what happens if you take the audio interface out of the equation and just use the sound from your motherboard. If you do have a sound card have you increased it’s buffer size? On the video from c.granger it appears that the beatbuddy is utilising mainly one core (large spike on the left) the 50% utilisation is between both cores but one seems to be working harder that the other.”

Yes, this time it has been identified, a solution suggested and it is being beta-tested atm.

Many processors have one core working harder than the other, but my processor has each of its cores working harder than the other! :slight_smile:

Hi Guys, please try the solution here: http://mybeatbuddy.com/forum/index…ftware-distorted-sound-solution-testing.1569/

I also get this exact problem with the BB Manager !
M-Audio Audiophile 24/96

Running Vista, I had to increase buffer time to 200ms to make it work properly. 197ms didn’t even cure the problem