With bass and drumset include bass 0-31 (this drumset is make with EzBass and EzDrummer)
Driven_to_tears.sng (18.6 KB)
Download drumset here :
DoDoDo_DaDaDa.sng (23.2 KB)
With bass and drumset include bass 0-31 (this drumset is make with EzBass and EzDrummer)
Driven_to_tears.sng (18.6 KB)
Download drumset here :
DoDoDo_DaDaDa.sng (23.2 KB)
@TheEdge66 - I’ve really appreciated all of the songs you posted so far. They’ve been great and a perfect addition to our set!
I did revamp De Doo Doo Doo Da Da Da a little. Volume is brought down and there were a few notes that sounded off key for me so I fixed that. The revised file I used is attached in case anyone else wants to use it -
Doo_Doo_Doo_Da_Da_Da AR Edit.sng (22.9 KB)
Thanks again!
Thank you very much for the correction !!