Dylan - Is Your Love In Vain

OPB anyone? Thanks

I got this. Next time, please post your requests in the Beats and Drum Sets Requests section. We consider song requests to be Beats requests. It just makes them easier to find if they are all in the same place.

oops I usually do but was in a hurry, no excuse though. thanks Phil!


Here ya go!

Look for a re-do on this. Nothing really wrong with this first effort, but I finally got ahold of the studio version, and I can get much closer to that. This was roughly based off a couple live versions, and I think the studio track has better emotion.

That would be great Phil. I learned the original album version which I guess is in C. Thanks alot!


Update is posted. Actually, the version on Street Legal is in D. Maybe you capoed it way back when.

Top man Phil thanks

Cool song…freals.