Electronic drumpads (SPD SX Pro, MPS-10, ..) and Aeros Loop Studio


I’ve had great experience so far using the Aeros in combination with the BeatBuddy. But more recently, I’m considering the purchase of an electronic drumpad product (Roland SPD SX Pro and Korg MPS-10 are on the top of my list; all of them are equipped with at least MIDI Out capabilities) as an alternative method of producing and recording drum grooves in live performances.

I’m envisioning playing a couple of bars of a groove in the electronic drumpad and get it captured/ recorded in the Aeros, enabled by MIDI (to ensure subsequently recorded loops using, say, guitars, keyboards, etc lock in sync with the groove.

Is this technically and operationally feasible? Anyone using a similar configuration with success? Any tips/ hints on best way to pull it off are much appreciated. I’m interested to learn if i’d have to go do some specific setup around MIDI CC (Start/Stop) at the drumpad, to properly enable automatic recording and stop at the Aeros.

Thanks so much in advance & warm regards!


Hey there!

This is very close to what Tywn did in our Studio Sessions!

The only difference is they used the sounds from the pad itself into the Aeros, you would just have a BeatBuddy connected via MIDI with Audio out to your Board/interface/Aeros

They used the MIDI Maestro to have the drummer control the Aeros from across the room!

Thanks for the question!


Not sure about the CC, but that’s a great idea!

I do think generally it’s a little more engaging for audiences to see some element of performance with the drums. In my case, the “drums” are piezos sewed into a jacket, out to a Roland TM-1 module. I route everything in my mixer (Tascam 12) out to an assignable bus, into the Aeros, and then back into a return track. I really appreciate that I send JUST the loop out, because otherwise this wouldn’t work.

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